Jesse Lyrics - Donna Hughes

Verse 1 (A): Jesse came to town with big dreams and a plan
Chasing neon rainbows in hopes of finding fans
All he ever wanted was for them to know his name
He set out to make the headlines, no matter what it takes

Verse 1 (B): His dad gave him a gun and some cash to get him rolling
His Mama cried and hugged him as she sent him on his way
At the time he didn’t know, it was the last time he would see them
Promised he’d be back - take care of them someday
Chorus 1: When his records turned to platinum, his name went up in lights
His shows were selling out, and he stayed gone every night
He could never get enough of the money or the fame

As the years rolled by, he lost more than he gained

Verse 2 (A): He lost a girl named Hannah, the beauty of his hometown

He lost his dad to cancer, and his mom to alcohol
Friends all settled down, and started happy families
Jesse lived the fast lane, until the fast lane, came to a crawl

Verse 2 (B): Pretty soon he gave it up, and came to settle down
Reduced to simple work at a bar outside of town
Barely showing up, and later every day
One day he didn’t show at all, people went about their way

Chorus 2: Jesse came to town with big dreams and a plan
The highway & the stage took everything he had
He faced the road ahead, with all he left behind
With a loaded 44 in his hand, Jessie cried

Chorus 3: As the winding road got longer, Jesse lost his way
He gave up everything so folks would know his name
One rainy summer night, after all those years trying
With a loaded 44 to his head,---- With a loaded 44 to his head----…Jesse fired
He finally made the headlines, one last time