Sid Copley’s Shadow Lyrics - Stephen Simmons

Stephen Simmons Chords

Sid walks through town
With a shadow on his back
It’s heavy and it’s cold
And no shadow knows
A darker shade of black

His history
The tale of his life
Unknown by many
Can best be told
Through the last words of his wife

She said, “Sid was out drinking
Like he did on Friday night
He came home and found me
Upstairs with a stranger
Under the crescent moonlight

I looked at Sid
He looked back in surprise
But to my right
The greatest fear
Was staring back in my lovers eyes

I ran towards Sid
But he threw me to the floor
He reached for his revolver
Buried down
In our dresser drawer

First he shot my lover
Then he aimed for me
I turned away and prayed he’d miss
But the grace of God
Ignored my plea

Sid carried us both
Down to the river that night
He threw us in and we washed away
Lifeless and cold
In the crescent moonlight

Sid moved on
To another time and place
But everywhere he goes
In everything he does
In every stranger he sees my face

Just like a shadow
I follow him through town
Just like a king
He bears
My bloodstained crown.”

Sid walks through town
With a shadow on his back
It’s heavy and it’s cold
And no shadow knows
A darker shade of black