Ring Those Joy Bells of Christmas lyrics - Smokey River Boys

Verse Number One
Three wise men rode East…they were searching….
For a King whose star they saw…..
When they knelt beside him in the manger….
O what joy…their king was born….

The Chorus:
Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
Ring ‘em loud and ring ‘em strong…

Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
For the Christ child of joy is born….

Music Channel/Modulation

Verse Number Two
I had searched just like those three wise men…
Looking for a star to behold…
When all the time…he was standing right beside me
With His arms…outstretched in love…

Repeat Chorus:
Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
Ring ‘em loud and ring ‘em strong…
Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
For the Christ child of joy is born…

Breakdown Chorus:
Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
Ring ‘em loud and ring ‘em strong…
Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
For the Christ child of joy is born….

Repeat Chorus Again:
Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
Ring ‘em loud and ring ‘em strong…
Ring those joy bells of Christmas…
For the Christ child of joy is born….

The Tag:
For the Christ child of joy is born…

[Thanks to Robert Metzgar for lyrics]