Back to San Antone Lyrics - Felix Truvere

We packed up our things; from the job to the kids everything
We set a new path on the open road
And now i'm driving away from a past; from a dream that was real but didn't last
Love has a way of doing things like that
But things change & lives re-arrange; and god only understands why
You lose everything that you ever wanted in the blink of an eye

And so i'm headed down this long & lonely road
The one that we first took when it was you & me against the world
And it's the hardest thing to do to let you go
But the right thing to do was never an easy road; i'm headed home...
I'm driving this road alone back to san antone

Rollin' down highway 83 with nothin' but a head of memories
Of how we loved these little towns
& mason was our favorite one; it was the name that we were gonna give our son
When we got married & settled down
I've driven this road a thousand times; there's a memory on every mile
But in that empty seat beside me sometimes i still see you smile

With your barefeet on the dashboard & the wind blowin' through your hair
I can hear the kids laughing in the backseat! Sometimes i swear they're here!
And i'm re-livin every memory as i'm crying out this song!
But it's all gone! It's all gone!


But i keep headed down this long & lonely road
The one that we first took when it was you & me against the world
And it's the hardest thing to do to let you go
But the right thing to do is never an easy road; i'm headed home...
I'm driving this road alone back to san antone