Friends lyrics - Steve Zuwala

Now sometimes – the sun don’t always shine the way it should
And the bad seems to far outweigh the good
And you can’t win for losin’

And sometimes – its hard to see the forest for the trees
To figure out what all of this means
Can be so confusing


So every now and then
We all need a friend
Someone to talk to
Someone to hold on to
And someone to help us through

‘cause every now and then
when we slip and fall
it’ll be our friends
who will love us through it all

Now they’ll be times
When I won’t have the answer that you need
When you and I might often disagree
And I might even hurt you

But rest assured
No problem’s too big or too small
When you need me all you’ve got to do is call
‘cause I won’t desert you

‘Cause every now and then
We all need a friend
Someone to talk to
Someone to hold on to
And someone to help us through

‘cause every now and then
when we slip and fall
it’ll be our friends
who will love us through it all

‘cause every now and then
when we slip and fall
it’ll be our friends
who will love us through it all

[Thanks to Crystal for lyrics]