End Of The World chords - Will Hoge

See also: Hoge Will Lyrics
D    G  D
/ / // /
      D                        G             D
It's quiet in the kitchen the bills are all stacked
                                     G             D
High enough on the table to break a working man's ba

                      G       D
Mama and daddy don't talk anymore
                                       G        D
And the TV keeps on saying that we're going to war
                          G            D
So maybe I could call you on Saturday night
                                  G         D
We can go out and act like everything is alright
                    G          D
'Cause if it's the end of the world
         A                          D
There's really nothing else I could do
             G          D
If it's the end of the world
I just wanna spend it with you
D    G  D
/ / // /
    D                             G          D
It feels a little bit like we're all on the brink
                                 G         D
Of some damn disaster, we could all use a shrink
                                       G         D
With all the bullets and bullshit big money and lies
                                 G           D
The good ol' boys afraid to even open their eyes
                                 G       D
They tell me the blue skies are fading away
                                                 G        D
But when I'm with you it kinda feels like everything is okay
                 G          D
And if it's the end of the world
         A                          D
There's really nothing else I could do
             G          D
If it's the end of the world
I just wanna spend it with you
Em                        A
   So let's look out the window
           D              A/C#               Bm
And maybe you and I could both just play pretend
And in the morning if we're
Still both here
        G       G#m              A
We could  do it over and over again
                 G          D
And if it's the end of the world
         A                          D
There's really nothing else I could do
             G          D
If it's the end of the world
I just wanna spend it with you

How to play "End Of The World" by Will Hoge on guitar

Playing Style:
- This song uses a classic folk-rock approach with a mix of strumming and
  soft picking to convey its poignant themes. The chords are primarily D, G, and A,
  with an inclusion of Em, A/C#, and Bm in the bridge for added emotional depth.

Intro and Verse Chord Progression:
- The intro alternates between D and G, setting a reflective tone. This pattern
  continues into the verses, supporting the storytelling narrative of the lyrics.

Strumming Pattern:
- A suitable strumming pattern for this song could be D-DDU-DDU (D=down,
  U=up). It's simple and effective, allowing the lyrics to stand out.

Common Mistakes:
- Ensure the transitions between the chords are smooth, especially during the
  emotional pivot points of the song, like the bridge and chorus.
- Maintain the rhythm and tempo consistently; fluctuating can disrupt the
  storytelling flow of the song.

Chorus Dynamics:
- The chorus introduces the A chord, which lifts the musical arrangement and
  provides a brighter contrast to the verses. Increase the strumming intensity
  slightly here to emphasize the chorus's hopeful message.

Bridge and Emotional Delivery:
- The bridge is the emotional climax of the song, with a progression from Em
  to F#m, and then resolving through G to A. Consider using a picking pattern
  here to highlight the introspective lyrics.

- Reiterate the chorus chords with a strong, conclusive strumming pattern to
  finish the song on a hopeful note.

Lyrics Meaning:
- "End Of The World" captures a sentiment of wanting to spend the last moments
  with someone special, amidst a backdrop of global and personal turmoil. It
  portrays a desire to find comfort in companionship despite external chaos.