Good While It Lasted chords - Will Hoge

See also: Hoge Will Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I smoked my last cigarette
I drank my last drop
Quit doing all the things I swore I'd never stop
Changed my direction

Sang a different tune
Am*               G*                   F*
Gave up all those childish things that make you old too soon
F*                                 G*
Things were going good there for a while
  Am*                 G*               F*
I tried to straighten out this crooked road that I was on
       C*                          G*              C*
It was good while it lasted but it didn't last too long
[Verse 2]
I used to sing on Broadway
Same songs every night
Am            G            F
Playing for a tip jar underneath the neon lights
Had a good time with the women
And the compliments came free
  Am                   G             F
I dreamed of something bigger but it wasn't meant to be
I thought I had it all there for a while
     Am                         F
Just like a desperado out there searching for a song
       C                           G               Cadd9
It was good while it lasted but it didn't last too long
G                         F                    C
Nothing lasts forever and time knows that it's true
Am                                   G
Sometimes just a little while is the best that we can do
[Verse 3]
You ended up beside me
Like a long-forgotten dream
Am               G                F
Picked me up and showed me colors I had never seen
Said we'd stay together
Together til the end
        Am                  G              F
But the end means something different to a lover than a friend
We thought we had it all there for a while
     Am                G                 F
Just like that perfect moment before the darkness turns to dawn
       C                           G               Am
It was good while it lasted but it didn't last too long
       C                           G               Cadd9
It was good while it lasted but it didn't last too long

How to play "Good While It Lasted" by Will Hoge on guitar

Playing Style:
- This song is structured around the key of C major and uses a classic country
  folk arrangement, mixing chords like C, G, Am, and F to craft a narrative of
  reflection and resignation.

Intro and Verse Chord Progression:
- The verses start with a No Chord (N.C.) to emphasize the vocal delivery,
  focusing on storytelling before the chords kick in. Then, transition through
  C, G, Am, G, and F to establish the verse's melodic structure.

Strumming Pattern:
- For the strumming pattern, consider using D-DU-UD-DU (D=down, U=up), which
  provides a steady, flowing rhythm suitable for the storytelling nature of the

Common Mistakes:
- Ensure that the transitions between the chords, especially from Am to G to F,
  are smooth. These chords can be challenging due to their placement and the
  quick changes required.
- Be mindful of the dynamics; the song's emotional impact comes from how well
  the guitar accompaniment supports the story told in the lyrics.

- The bridge shifts to a G, F, C progression, then moves through Am to G. This
  section should be played with a bit more emphasis to underscore the song's
  thematic message about the transient nature of things.

- Conclude with the verse pattern, reinforcing the reflective and somewhat
  melancholic mood of the song. The repetition of the final line with the Cadd9
  at the end adds a nice resolution to the narrative.

Lyrics Meaning:
- "Good While It Lasted" delves into themes of fleeting joy and the inevitable
  end of good things, portrayed through personal anecdotes and life changes.
  The song resonates with anyone who has experienced brief but memorable
  phases in life that end before one might wish.