Close Your Eyes chords - Original Artist

close your eyes 
copyright 2005

we loaded that old truck 

an we said our last goodbyes

i kissed her lips one last time 

wiped away the tears from her eyes

an i said "baby don't cry"

i won't be away long 

i'll call you every night 

an if you need me while im gone 

just close your eyes 

an i'll be right there

loving you once again 

running my fingers thru you hair

no baby don't cry one tear 

i'll always be right here 

when you close your eyes

i left the mountains of colorado 

for the hills of tennessee

thinking about all the things

i was leaving behind me 

pulled over to a payphone 

i said "baby i can't go 

she said i wish you could stay 

but i want you to know 

when you close your eyes 

an i'll be right there 

loving you once again 

you could be anywhere 

baby wipe away those tears 

i'll always be near

when you close your eyes

now the years have gone by 

since i last seen her face

buts sometimes i find myself 

trying to get back to that place

then i close my eyes 

an she always right here 

loving me one more time 

everything else just disappears 

then i wipe away my tears 

cause she'll always be here 

when i close my eyes 

oh i wipe away my tears

cause in my heart she right here 

when i close my eyes