I'd Like To Be Famous chords - Original Artist

Don't take me too seriously...

I'd Like To Be Famous 
Aaron Cain 
© 2001 

I'd like to be famous 
I'd love to be called the man 
Right now I make some money 
Playing in a cover band 

But I wanna be in the spotlight 
And get interviewed by magazines 
Could say my family was white trash 
Even though we were middle class 
My songs could be all obscene 

I could use a whole lotta drugs 
And not give a s**t 'bout what I do 
Just because I was so bad 
I'd be in and out of rehab 
20 times before I was 22 

Yea, I'd like to be famous 
Make my mark, then maybe O.D. 
Have a VH1 Behind The Music 
Dedicated to me 
Yea, I'd like to be famous 
Get rich and let it go to my head 
I'd snort my money away, but it'd be okay 
People love ya even more when your dead 

I'd like to have some roadies 
Have groupies and unprotected sex 
I could live life through sins 
Maybe have illegitimate children 
Go to the Grammy's demanding respect 

I'd like to measure my self-worth 
On how many million CDs that I sold 
Maybe take advice from the Who 
And do what they didn't do 
And die before I get old

I'd sell my soul for rock n roll 
So I don't have to live in obscurity 
Gimme a chance, I'll wear ass-less pants 
If it means someone will remember me 

Repeat Chorus