Roadhouse Cowboy chords - Original Artist

Here is a little number I did a while back
My son drives a W/S Dumper so I wrote this.
Any Comments?

Roadhouse Cowboy
Copywrite © 2002 Wayne Chambers

I’m just a roadhouse cowboy.
I drive a Western Star.
On the blacktop to Marble Bar

My Western Star and her cargo.
Rolling across the plains.
My Western star and her cargo.
Competing with the trains.

Hauling a load from Darwin to the Great Australian Bight.
This trucks pulling with all her might.
The road ahead is straight and the only thing in sight.
Is my Western Star and her cargo.
And were rolling through the night.


Drivers yarning in a bar.
Bragging about their trucks and how great they are.
Kenny, Ford and Autocar.
You wont part me from my Western Star.
I have no problem with the hills.
My gearbox.. it has no ills
I’m a truckie that don’t pop pills.


Finish with.

I’m just a Roadhouse Cowboy.
And I drive a Western Star.
We always travel far.
Me and my Western Star.