Everybodys Dixie chords - Traditional

       The following is one of the many versions of the song "Dixie" as sung 
by the soldiers around the campfires, at recruitment rallys, and dances.  
This particular version was used by General Albert Pike as a recruiting tool. 
 We have generally received favorable comments at our campfires by the 
opening stanza in a slow beat and then picking up the beat at the second 
stanza.  Hope you like it.   

(To the tune of "Dixie") 
Original words and music by Dan Decatur Emmett in 1859 
(G) Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton 
(C)Old times there are not forgotten 
(G)Look away; look away; look a(D)way; Dixie(G) Land. 
(G)In Dixie land where I was born in, 
(C)Early on one frosty morning, 
(G)Look away; look away; look a(D)way; Dixie(G) Land 
(G)And I wish I was in (C)Dixie; A(D)way - Away 
(G)For in Dixie Land I'll (C)take my stand 
(G)To live and die for (D)Dixie 
(G)Away; (D)away; (G)away down south in (D)Dix (G)ie 
Southrons hear your country call you 
Rise lest worst than death befall you 
To Arms!!  To Arms!!  To Arms in Dixie! 
Lo, the beacon fires are lighted 
Let all hearts be now united 
To Arms!!  To Arms!!  To Arms in Dixie! 
And advance the flag of Dixie;  Hooray!!  Hooray!! 
For in Dixie Land we'll take our stand 
To live and die for Dixie 
To Arms!!  To Arms!!  And conquer peace for Dixie! 
Shoulder pressing close to shoulder 
Let the odds make each heart bolder 
To Arms!!  To Arms!!  To Arms in Dixie! 
Shun no danger, fear no labor 
Lift up rifle, pike and saber 
To Arms!!  To Arms!!  To Arms in Dixie! 
And advance the flag of Dixie;  Hooray!!  Hooray!! 
For in Dixie Land we'll take our stand 
To live and die for Dixie 
To Arms!!  To Arms!!  And conquer peace for Dixie!