Farm Yard Yodel chords - Chad Morgan

Farmyard Yodel

    D                                                  A
One day a city slicker thought that he would have some fun
he'd go out to the country just to see how things were done
well he packed his grip ready for the trip and as he rode away
he dreamed about the new laid eggs and the scent of newmun hay
    G              D                A                D
but when he got to farmer grays the old man said now son
       G           D                   A
you'll rise at 4 o'clock each morn and work till day is done

      D 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  A
so he worked all day in the fields of hay but he didn't think it fun
he milked the cows and fed the pigs long after day was done
so he said hooray to farmer gray and headed for the railway track
and every time the wheels went round he said I won't go back

   	   D 	  	  	  	  	  	  	        A
where the cow says moo and the dog says wow and the hens go ker-ku-ker-kak
where the rooster crows in the early morn while it is still quite dark
where the pig goes *grunt* and the duck goes quack and the old grey mare will nay
I'm going back to city life and there i'm gonna stay
  G        D
I de yodel buk-kuk-kuk - er - ku - kuk, 
A  	  	  	      D
buk-kuk-kuk - er - ku - kuk, buk-kuk-kuk - er - ku - kuk
  G        D
I de yodel buk-kuk-kuk - er - ku - kuk
A             D
olay-e de ---

    G                D 	  	  	 A 	       D
for I don't like the country life where everything is slow
      G 	  	  	 D 	  	      A
I can get my milk right out of a tin and i'm never gonna go


oUTRO :  	 A 	 D