City Of Roses chords - Crockett Charley

See also: Charley Crockett Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We were in Louisiana
F             C
I remember it well
Cause my uncle was gamblin'
G               C
In a Shreveport hotel
[Verse 2]
Later that evenin'
F                  C
We were Fort Worth-bound
I saw the pretty red flowers
G                      C
As he passed through a town
[Verse 3]
Well, we pulled on over
F                       C
To get some fresh night air
And the sweet smell of roses
G             C
Lingered everywhere
[Verse 4]
There in the moonlight
F               C
On a brick-line street
Stood a pretty, young woman
G                    C
She gave a flower to me
N.C.              Am
There's a city of roses
G               C
Way back in the pines
I don't know if you know it
F                    G
But it ain't hard to find
If you're comin' from Dallas
G                       C
You just a-keep rollin' east
Am               F
Till the City of Roses
G               C
Is all that you see
[Pedal Steel Solo]
F  G  C  Am  F  G  C
[Verse 5]
N.C.         C
Maybe you've seen it
F                   C
In a place that you go
On a downtown corner
G                  C
Somebody sellin' a rose
[Verse 6]
Well, I bet you a dollar
F                 C
I know where it's from
A little town in east Texas
G                    C
You'd better get you one
N.C.              Am
There's a city of roses
G               C
Way back in the pines
I don't know if you know it
F                    G
But it ain't hard to find
If you're comin' from Dallas
G                       C
You just a-keep rollin' east
Am               F
Till the City of Roses
G               C
Is all that you see
Am  F  G  C

How to play "City Of Roses" by Crockett Charley on guitar

- Standard tuning for this song. No capo is needed.

Chords Used:
- C, F, G, Am, N.C. (No Chord)

Intro and Chord Progression:
- The song begins simply with the C chord. Strum this chord lightly to
  introduce the calm, nostalgic tone of the tune.

Verse Chords and Strumming Pattern:
- The verses follow a repetitive pattern primarily using the chords C, F, 
  and G. The key is to strum these chords gently to support the storytelling 
  nature of the lyrics. Use a basic down-up strumming pattern, focusing on 
  keeping it smooth and steady.

Chorus Structure:
- The chorus introduces Am, alongside F and G, before returning to C. 
  Here, maintain the same strumming pattern but you can add a little more 
  intensity to highlight the chorus's lyrical message.

Understanding "N.C." or No Chord:
- "N.C." indicates moments of pause where the vocal line takes prominence 
  without guitar accompaniment. It's essential to observe these for 
  dramatic effect and to allow the lyrics to resonate.

Pedal Steel Solo Adaptation for Guitar:
- For the pedal steel solo, you can mimic this on the guitar using the 
  chords F, G, C, Am. Try incorporating simple fills or arpeggios to 
  capture the melodic essence of a pedal steel guitar.

Common Mistakes:
- Playing too loudly can overpower the vocals. Keep your guitar work 
  supportive and understated.
- Not adhering to the N.C. moments might disrupt the song's narrative flow.

Lyrics and Theme Summary:
- "City Of Roses" tells a story of traveling through memories and 
  places, anchored by the recurring symbol of roses. It evokes a sense 
  of nostalgia and the beauty found in simple moments.

General Tips:
- Practice transitioning smoothly between C, F, and G, as these are 
  crucial for maintaining the song's flow.
- Listen to the original track to get a sense of the emotional pacing 
  and how the guitar interacts with the vocals.
- Regularly check your tuning to ensure the chords sound clean and clear.