In Love With Another Man chords - Cracker-Jack Smith

In Love with Another Man
(by Cracker-Jack Smith)

Key of C which changes in last verse

She touches your heart as though on a mission
She attracts conversation like very few can
She was strong and yet as weak as a kitten
But she was in love with another man

And how can you compete
With a man who suffered such loss 
With nails through his hands & feet 
And who was left hanging from a cross

I was tired and journying by train 
When I meant this special woman
Innocent, but well travelled just the same  
But she was in love with another man

And how can you compete
With a man who suffered such loss 
With nails through his hands & feet 
And who was left hanging from a cross

And when she left I felt an inner peace  
With this  woman as kind and gentle as a lamb
My life had turned a new leaf
But she was in love with another man

And how can you compete
With a man who suffered such loss 
With nails through his hands & feet 
And who was left hanging from a cross