Go Out And Plow chords - Fred Eaglesmith

Fred Eaglesmith - Go Out And Plow

 	     D 	       Fm 	             G                        D
There's a little envelope on the table unopened, he already knows what it says.
 	 D 	          Fm                           G                            D
He's known it for years, still his hands shook with fear. When they picked it up in town yesterday.
    D 	           Fm 	                   D              D7            G
It ain't like it seems, you can't run a farm on dreams, still He thought they might let him carry on
 D                   A 	          D
Carry on 'til the dream was even gone.


And he'd go out and plow, but the tractor's broken down And the day's almost spent anyway.
He pours himself a drink, sits on the porch to think Whatever are the neighbors gonna say?
Drinkin' don't take the place, a banker does with an empty face, As he tells you 'bout a job up the road. 
Leave the keys in the mailbox when you go.

There's a patch on the north side, it's early and it's dry, It's probably the best there is around.
But when they sell it off, they won't even bring it up. Hell, who cares anymore about the ground?
Some sour-faced city kid's lawyer puts in the bid For a run-down tax-sheltered hobby farm 
And who's to blame anybody anymore?


It's a good thing she ain't here to see the bitter tears 
Spill down his coveralls onto the floor.
It's a good thing she ain't alive to see how they've taken his 
pride And turned it like a crop beneath the soil.
God bless this house the kitchen says even when the bills aren't
 paid Be thankful for the things that you have.
Even just the shirts upon your back.
