If You Leave Me Now chords - Lost Dog Street Band

Em  A  D
[Verse 1]
D                             G
Don't go punching mirrors you may find
Bm                 A              D
More than what you bargained left behind
You may see things clearer in your mind
Bm         A          D
Branded as a scar all your life
D                G                         D
And if you leave me now I will never love again
                Em                D   D7
I may paint the town the color of sin
               G                           Bm
Oh and on your way out could you kill me instead
              Em               A
I will die anyhow and never be found
If you leave me now
[Dobro Solo]
G   D   Em   D  D7
G   Bm   Em   A  D
[Verse 2]
D                                       G
I can hold this bottle but it ain't the same
Bm          A                  D
Never wiped my tears or called my name
    D                                 G
For seven days a week and a pocket of change
     Bm                  A                     D
It's there for me and that's more than you can say
D                G                         D
And if you leave me now I will never love again
                Em                D   D7
I may paint the town the color of sin
               G                           Bm
Oh and on your way out could you kill me instead
              Em               A
I will die anyhow and never be found
If you leave me now
              Em               A
I will die anyhow and never be found
                D G D A D
If you leave me now

How to play "If You Leave Me Now" by Lost Dog Street Band on guitar

Playing Style: The song has an emotional and evocative tone, using chords
that support the melancholic and reflective lyrics. Emphasize the emotive
content with expressive strumming.

Chords: Em, A, D
- Start with a gentle strum on Em, transitioning to A and then to D.
  This sets a somber mood appropriate for the song's themes.

[Verse 1]
Chords: D, G, Bm, A, D
- Use a consistent strumming pattern. Strum more softly on verses to
  highlight the introspective lyrics.
- Focus on clean transitions, especially between Bm and A, to maintain
  the melodic flow of the verses.

Chords: D, G, D, Em, D, D7, G, Bm, Em, A, D
- Intensify your strumming here to bring out the chorus's emotional climax.
- The transition from D to D7 adds a musical tension that matches the lyrical
  sentiment of impending loss.

[Dobro Solo]
Chords: G, D, Em, D, D7, G, Bm, Em, A, D
- While originally for Dobro, mimic the solo on the guitar using the
  Em pentatonic scale for improvisation. Maintain the established chord
  progression as a backing.

[Verse 2]
Follow the same chord pattern as Verse 1:
- Continue the narrative with gentle strumming, allowing the story of loss
  and dependence to resonate.

[Final Chorus]
Repeat the chorus chords with perhaps even more expressive playing:
- As the song repeats the chorus, bring a sense of finality and resignation
  to your playing, which helps underline the song's theme.

Chords: Em, A, D, G, D, A, D
- Close the song with a reflective tone, echoing the intro but with a
  resolution that reflects the song's emotional journey.

General Tips:
- Tuning: Ensure your guitar is tuned to standard tuning.
- The emotional impact of the song is paramount, so adjust your playing
  dynamics to suit the lyrical themes.
- Practice the chord transitions to ensure smoothness, especially when
  moving to and from the D7 chord.

Common Mistakes:
- Not varying the strumming dynamics between verses and choruses can make
  the song feel flat. Use dynamics to enhance the storytelling.
- Forgetting the emotional intent of the lyrics when playing. Each chord
  and strum should serve to express the song's poignant themes.

Lyrics Meaning:
"If You Leave Me Now" explores themes of despair and resignation in the face
of abandonment. The lyrics convey a deep sense of loss and the irrevocable
change that comes with the departure of a loved one, using vivid imagery to
express the emotional turmoil involved.