Son Of Tennessee chords - Lost Dog Street Band

A   E A   D
E   D   A
[Verse 1]
You ain't gettin' out of here alive
And you can't take it with you when you go
And the hardest part of living ain't the dying
It's the fear of everything that we don't know
We don't know
I'm picking up steam I'm weak in the knees
Oh, I'm just a native son of Tennessee
A   E    D    A
[Verse 2]
You can make a mess out of life
With the best of intentions I am told
Hear their words but pay no mind
What they do is all the proof they need to show
They need to show
I'm picking up steam I'm weak in the knees
Oh, I'm just a native son of Tennessee
[Fiddle Solo]
A    D    E    D
[Verse 3]
Take my temptation out of doubt
I'll be nothing less than anything but free
I'm a lifer now I can join the crowd
But it's hard coming down from what I've seen
What I've seen
I'm picking up steam I'm weak in the knees
        D                             A
Oh, I'm just a native son of Tennessee
I'm picking up steam I'm weak in the knees
Oh, I'm just a native son of Tennessee

How to play "Son Of Tennessee" by Lost Dog Street Band on guitar

Playing Style: This song carries a traditional Americana feel, blending
folk and country elements. Use a combination of strumming and fingerpicking
to bring out the rustic charm of the melody.

Chords: A, E, A, D, E, D, A
- Begin with a clear strum on A, moving to E, and back to A, setting an
  inviting tone.
- The shift to D and back through E to A lays the foundational mood for
  the narrative to unfold.

[Verse 1]
Chords: A, D, E, D, A
- Strum these chords gently, focusing on the narrative of life's
  existential themes. The transitions from A to D and E enhance the
  lyrical depth.
- Keep the rhythm steady but relaxed to match the contemplative nature
  of the lyrics.

Chords: E, D, A
- Elevate the intensity slightly here to reflect the emotional
  declaration of identity and heritage.
- The chord progression from E to D and back to A gives a sense of
  resolve and pride.

Chords: A, E, D, A
- This section acts as a reflective pause; maintain the established
  rhythmic pattern while allowing each chord to resonate.

[Verse 2 & 3]
Follow the same chord pattern as Verse 1:
- Continue with the storytelling approach, allowing the guitar to
  support the vocals without overpowering the message.

[Fiddle Solo]
Chords: A, D, E, D, A
- Accompany the fiddle solo with the same chord progression, mirroring
  the vocal melody line or improvising subtly within the key.

[Final Chorus]
Repeat the chorus chords with perhaps a more pronounced strumming pattern:
- As the song concludes, build up to a heartfelt declaration, emphasizing
  the lyrical theme of being a "native son of Tennessee."

- Conclude with a gentle return to the intro pattern, closing the song
  on a reflective note.

General Tips:
- Tuning: Standard tuning is suitable for this song.
- Focus on the clarity of each chord transition to ensure the storytelling
  is uninterrupted.
- Consider the emotional weight of the lyrics when adjusting your playing
  dynamics throughout the song.

Common Mistakes:
- Overcomplicating the strumming pattern can distract from the song's
  narrative. Keep it simple and let the lyrics lead.
- Neglecting the emotional build-up in the choruses can reduce the impact
  of the song's message.

Lyrics Meaning:
"Son Of Tennessee" explores themes of existential reflection and personal
identity, framed within the context of Tennessee's cultural and geographical
backdrop. The song delves into the complexities of life's journey and the
pursuit of personal freedom and authenticity.