One Day , Six Hours chords - L.U.I.

Verse 1:

Let me take you to a time and place

Where the world was completely changed

Nothing will ever be the same

After what happened on that day

(just repeat all the way through the versus)

Pre chorus:

Em        C            D    G   D  Em
This is the greatest story ever told

Em        C      D   G   D   Em
The man was only 33 years old


Em      C       D     G    D    Em  
He walked up a hill called Calvary

Em      C       D     G    D    Em
They nailed his hands and they nailed his feet

Em      C       D     G    D    Em
Placed a crown of thorns on his head

Em      C       D     G    D    Em
In just six hours he would be dead

Em      C       D     G    D    Em
When he cried I thirst

Em      C       D     G    D    Em
They just gave him vinegar

Em      C       D     G    D    Em
Its so hard to think about it

Em      C       D     G    D    Em
That one day,  those six hours 

