Keep The Flowers chords - Moroney Megan

See also: Megan Moroney Lyrics
[Verse 1]
A                   G
If you need a reason, why I'm walking away
D                         A
Well I've got a dozen, and you brought boquets
Everytime you messed up, got mad and got mean
D                                      A
They don't work like they used to on me.
A                          G
Daisies won't make me give a damn
D                             A
Tulips won't dry up these tears
A                  G
Roses are tried and they're true, but I'm through
D                                 A
Forgiving you for all of the times
G                        D
You put me through hell, kept me crying for hours
I'll keep my last name
D                     A
And you, Can keep the flowers
[Verse 2]
A                  G
Every new promise, is a new one you break
D                       A
Soon after comes sorry, and a note on a vase
A                           G
They show up and they bloom, for five or six days
D                        A
Funny how you do the same
A                          G
Daisies won't make me give a damn
D                             A
Tulips won't dry up these tears
A                  G
Roses are tried and they're true, but I'm through
D                                 A
Forgiving you for all of the times
G                        D
You put me through hell, kept me crying for hours
I'll keep my last name
D                     A
And you, Can keep the flowers
        A                       Em
Keep the flowers, keep me in the back of your mind
G                                D
Hope the next girl don't mind, a damn garden inside
A                          G
Daisies won't make me give a damn
D                             A
Tulips won't dry up these tears
A                  G
Roses are tried and they're true, but I'm through
D                                 A
Forgiving you for all of the times
G                        D
You put me through hell, kept me crying for hours
I'll keep my last name
D                     A
And you, Can keep the flowers
G                    D
Honey, just keep the flowers
D       A
Mmmm Hmmm

How to play "Keep The Flowers" on guitar

[Intro & Verse Strumming]
- Start with a relaxed strumming pattern using down and up strokes.
- Emphasize the first and third beats slightly to give structure.

[Chord Transitions]
- Transition smoothly between A, G, and D. Practice switching 
  between these chords slowly to build muscle memory.
- Maintain a consistent rhythm to keep the flow of the song.

[Chorus Dynamics]
- Increase your strumming intensity here to match the emotional 
  tone of the lyrics.
- Focus on clean chord transitions, especially during the 
  emotional lyrics, to enhance the song's impact.

[Bridge Technique]
- When moving to Em in the bridge, shift your hand position 
  smoothly. This chord offers a change in the song's texture.
- Use a softer strumming pattern here to contrast with the chorus.

[Outro Tips]
- Return to the initial strumming pattern but gradually reduce 
  your volume to end softly, mirroring the ending of the lyrical 

Common mistakes:
- Rushing the tempo. Keep a steady pace to allow each chord to 
- Not adjusting strumming dynamics. Vary your strumming pressure 
  to match the song's emotional shifts.

Song Facts and Artist Bio:
"Keep The Flowers" by Megan Moroney is a song that encapsulates 
the feelings of moving on from a relationship where apologies 
are no longer enough. The repeated references to flowers 
represent failed attempts at reconciliation. Megan Moroney, an 
emerging artist in the country music scene, brings a fresh take 
on classic themes of love and independence with her soulful 
voice and heartfelt lyrics. Her music often explores themes of 
self-discovery and emotional resilience.