Outlaw's Prayer chords - Mike McClure

Mike McClure
Outlaw's Prayer

Use the same chord progression in the chorus that is in the verses.
I recently saw Mike in concert, and this is how he played the song.

Federales on the border
With a wanted poster sign
Jesse’s picture on it
G#                   C#m
He’s running out of time
Shot a boy in San Diego 
As he reached down for his gun
Thought he’d be a hero
G#                            C#m
Well I’m real sorry about that son
But you ain’t the first to try and die
Since Jesse jumped his bail
Had a thousand federales waitin’
G#                        C#m
And hell hounds on his trail


When he said Father please forgive me
For the evil that I do
If you get me safe to Mexico
I swear to you I'm through
And if redemption comes in a blaze of bullets
I guess that'd be fair
I ain't afraid of dying
I just hope you hear this outlaw's prayer

Well he crossed the rio grande river
Where the water was runnin' low
He heard a federale cry out
Jesse's down below
As he rode out the other side
Blinded by the night
A bullet knocked him from his horse
And he crawled outta sight
And as he lay there tremblin'
His blood spillin' down his shirt
He prayed to God Almighty
Layin' face down in the dirt


Well he woke up in a mission
Layin' on a padre's bed
The federales are long gone
I told 'em that you were dead
I buried you this morning
I put your guns in the ground
I don't lie without a reason Jesse
You best turn your life around
Why this cup passed from your lips son
Heaven only knows
Jesse said the only answer
God was listenin' I suppose


Further note:  In the song, after McClure sings the last line of the chorus he
plays a C#m and then hits each following chord really quick and grinds on the G#.