Carolyn chords - Misc

I don't know if Haggard ever did this, but if he didn't, he ought to have! It 
was written by Jim Rushing & Bob McDill. I don't know the date on it, but I 
got it from the Dry Branch Fire Squad's "Just for the Record" album (Rounder 
CD 0306, 1993) if you want to learn the melody & chords. Ron Thomason and 
Susanne Thomas do a great harmony. The lyrics go like this:

A cardboard suitcase and a four year old Buick
Ain't this a hell of a life?
And hot Texas backroads and quality footwear
And me with three kids and a wife

Now Rose, it ain't easy, sometimes I get lonesome
And I know it's a hard thing to say
But it's easy forgettin' your wife and your family
When you're three thousand miles away

And Rose if you hear me, try to forgive me
Cause the feelin's comin' on me again
Come Saturday night I'll be in El Paso
With Carolyn at the Broken Wheel Inn

Now the car needs new tires and Monday's your birthday
And the kids all need new shoes again 
But hot damn my soul I'll spend twenty dollars
On Carolyn at the Broken Wheel Inn
