Our Babys Book chords - Misc


Theres a new star in heaven tonight
The brightest of all them up there
As we look at the sky, then we wonder why,
That the Lord took our baby so fair.

For he was as sweet as a rose
His eyes they were big bright and blue
It made me so glad, when he favored his dad
And my wife said he's the image of you

Now you should see our baby's book,
Its pink and its bordered with gold
And though its not complete, on the very first sheet
Our darling's life story is told

It tells of the day that he came
To add more joy to our home
And after seven short weeks, our Master did speak
And now Roger Dale is gone

But Iknow that he's happy up there
I can vision each action and look
Friends as you travel on, please remember this song
Because its written in our baby's book