Leaves Mustnt Fall chords - Moon Mullican

The Leaves Mustn t Fall


by: Moon Mullican


[A] The autumn leaves were falling


And the [D] snow was soon to come


As [E] I was walking down a lonely [A] road 


I saw a little fellow who was [D] sitting all alone


[E] Catching leaves as they began to [A] fall




[A] The leaves mustn t fall, oh [D] no they mustn t fall


I m [E] tying the leaves so they will [A] stay


I ve lost my mom and dad


Now [D] sister s all I have


Don t [E] let the falling leaves take her a -[A] way




[A] My sister s only seven, and she s [D] sure a pretty thing


As [E] pretty as a picture on the [A] wall


The doctor came this summer and he [D] said that she would die


When the [E] autumn leaves had turned and start to [A] fall






[A] So won t you help me mister 


Won t you [D] help me tie the leaves


We ll [E] tie them to the branches good and [A] strong


So come now we must hurry 


So we can [D] keep my sister here


And [E] show the doctor man that he was [A] wrong






Don t [E] let the falling leaves take her a -[A]  way