Better Boy chords - Smith Nate

See also: Nate Smith Lyrics
G  D  Em  C
 G                         D
Shine your truck up every Friday night
 Em                            C
Shake her dad's hand, look him in the eye
 G                        D
Pick wildflowers just to make her day
          Em                           C
When she asks you to go to church any given Sunday
You better, boy
Treat her like you're still tryna get her, boy
Love her with all four letters, boy
Kiss her in the rain
Make her wanna take your last name
Talkin' 'bout forever, boy
When it's hell, go through it together, boy
Be the answer to her mama's prayers
Never let her think somewhere out there
           G          D
There's a better boy
 G                            D
Hold her high heels when her dancing feet hurt
          Em                        C
When she sleeps over, let her sleep in your shirt
          G                                      D
When the stars align and the time is right, size up her grandma's ring
     Em                              C
Work overtime, drop every dime on a house with a front porch swing
You better, boy
Treat her like you're still tryna get her, boy
Love her with all four letters, boy
Kiss her in the rain
Make her wanna take your last name
Talkin' 'bout forever, boy
When it's hell, go through it together, boy
Be the answer to her mama's prayers
Never let her think somewhere out there
           G         D
There's a better boy
               Em        C
Oh, there's a better boy
She ain't the one that you wanna let go
Yeah, take it from a heart she broke
You better, boy
Treat her like you're still tryna get her, boy
Love her with all four letters, boy
Kiss her in the rain
Make her wanna take your last name
Talkin' 'bout forever, boy
When it's hell, go through it together, boy
Be the answer to her mama's prayers
Never let her think somewhere out there
           G           D
There's a better boy, yeah
               Em         C
Oh, there's a better boy

How to play "Better Boy" by Nate Smith on guitar

- Chords: G, D, Em, C
- Strumming: Start with a simple down-up pattern.
- Transition smoothly between chords to set a mellow tone.

- Chords: G, D, Em, C
- Strumming: Maintain a relaxed down-up strum, slightly emphasizing downstrokes.
- Dynamics: Play softly to highlight the narrative of the lyrics.
- Focus: Ensure clean transitions, especially from D to Em.

- Chords: G, D, Em7, C
- Strumming: Use a more energetic down-up pattern, emphasizing downstrokes.
- Rhythm: Emphasize the first beat of each measure.
- Dynamics: Increase volume slightly to differentiate from the verse.
- Technique: Make sure to articulate the chords clearly to support the vocal melody.

- Chords: G, D, Em, C
- Strumming: Return to a softer, steady down-up strumming pattern.
- Feel: Maintain similar dynamics as the first verse.
- Focus: Highlight the detailed storytelling through smooth playing.

- Chords: Em, C
- Strumming: Play with a softer, more emotional feel, focusing on downstrokes.
- Dynamics: Gradually build up to lead into the final chorus.

- Repeat the same chords and strumming pattern as earlier choruses.
- Play with energy and maintain consistency in your strumming.

- Chords: G, D, Em, C
- Strumming: Gradually soften your strumming as the song concludes.
- Dynamics: End gently, mirroring the song's intro.

[Common Mistakes]
- Switching between G and D: Practice the finger positioning for smooth transitions.
- Strumming consistency: Focus on keeping a steady rhythm, especially during dynamic changes.
- Overplaying: Ensure the vocals remain the focal point by not overpowering them with the guitar.

[Song Facts]
"Better Boy" by Nate Smith is a heartfelt song that provides advice on 
how to treat a significant other with respect and love. The lyrics 
highlight the importance of small gestures and unwavering commitment in 
a relationship. The song serves as a guide for maintaining a healthy and 
loving partnership.

[Artist Biography]
Nate Smith is a rising country music artist known for his heartfelt lyrics 
and soulful voice. With roots in California, Smith's music blends 
traditional country with modern influences, creating a unique sound that 
resonates with a wide audience. His authentic storytelling and emotional 
performances have quickly garnered a dedicated fanbase.