Dear Heart chords - Smith Nate

See also: Nate Smith Lyrics
| D  | D  |
[Verse 1]
       D                               A
Dear heart, we've got a lot of history
From high and low and in-between
You and me we’re disconnected
I hate this, there I said it
       D                                 A
Dear heart, you ain't who you used to be
Who's fault is it, you or me
That dropped that ball and wrecked it
I wanna forgive and forget it
But I don’t trust you and the way you lead me
To hotel bars or the middle of a backseat
In strangers' cars or a friend of a friend
'Cause it's too damn hard on me and my
Hopeless romantic settle-down side
I met the one a thousand times
I wish I could fall in love again
But it's too damn hard on me and my
[Verse 2]
      D                                  A
Dear heart, we've had our share of wild times
You stayed beating while I drank and cried
My eyes out nights and days
     G                     Em
But something's gotta change
'Cause I don’t trust you and the way you lead me
To hotel bars or the middle of a backseat
In strangers' cars or a friend of a friend
'Cause it's too damn hard on me and my
Hopeless romantic settle-down side
I met the one a thousand times
I wish I could fall in love again
But it's too damn hard on me and my
      D      A      Bm
Dear heart, heart, heart
My dear heart, my dear heart
       D                                 A
Dear heart, I'm sorry that I gave you up
To the ones who don't deserve your love
Wish I could take it back
But damn it don’t work like that
'Cause I don’t trust you and the way you lead me
To hotel bars or the middle of a backseat
In strangers' cars or a friend of a friend
'Cause it's too damn hard on me and my
Hopeless romantic settle-down side
I met the one a thousand times
I wish I could fall in love again
But it's too damn hard on me and my
      D      A      Bm
Dear heart, heart, heart
My dear heart, my dear heart
Dear heart

How to play "Dear Heart" by Nate Smith on guitar

- Chords: D, D
- Strumming: Start with a simple downstroke pattern.
- Transition: Keep it smooth and consistent to set the tone.

[Verse 1]
- Chords: D, A, Bm, G
- Strumming: Use a relaxed down-up pattern, emphasizing downstrokes.
- Dynamics: Play softly to complement the reflective lyrics.
- Transition: Practice smooth changes between A and Bm.

- Chords: D, A, Bm, G
- Strumming: Increase intensity with a steady down-up pattern.
- Rhythm: Emphasize the first beat of each measure.
- Dynamics: Play louder than the verse to highlight the chorus.

[Verse 2]
- Chords: D, A, Bm, G, Em
- Strumming: Return to a softer down-up pattern, similar to the first verse.
- Feel: Maintain the same dynamics, focusing on the lyrical delivery.
- Transition: Ensure clean chord changes, especially from G to Em.

- Chords: D, A, Bm, G
- Strumming: Play with a softer, more emotional feel, focusing on downstrokes.
- Dynamics: Build up slightly towards the end to lead into the final chorus.
- Technique: Use dynamics to create a sense of build-up.

- Chords: D, A, Bm, G
- Strumming: Maintain the steady down-up pattern with increased intensity.
- Dynamics: Play louder than the verse to make the chorus impactful.
- Emphasis: Highlight the first beat of each measure.

- Chords: D, A, Bm, G, D
- Strumming: Gradually soften your strumming as the song concludes.
- Dynamics: End gently, mirroring the song's intro.

[Common Mistakes]
- Switching between A and Bm: Practice finger positioning for smooth transitions.
- Strumming consistency: Focus on keeping a steady rhythm, especially during dynamic changes.
- Overplaying: Ensure the vocals remain the focal point by not overpowering them with the guitar.

[Song Facts]
"Dear Heart" by Nate Smith is a deeply personal song that reflects on the 
struggles of dealing with emotions and relationships. The lyrics depict 
a conversation with the heart, expressing regret and a desire for change. 
The song's introspective nature and heartfelt delivery make it a relatable 
piece for anyone who has faced similar emotional challenges.

[Artist Biography]
Nate Smith is a rising country music artist known for his heartfelt lyrics 
and soulful voice. With roots in California, Smith's music blends 
traditional country with modern influences, creating a unique sound that 
resonates with a wide audience. His authentic storytelling and emotional 
performances have quickly garnered a dedicated fanbase.