Love Is Blind chords - Smith Nate

See also: Nate Smith Lyrics
| G    C  | G  | 2x
[Verse 1]
         G                 C      G
It'd be so much easier to let me go
                                  C      G
Let me keep on wandering down my lonely road
                     C       Em
Why you don’t, only heaven knows
    C                 D      G
Be so much easier to let me go
[Verse 2]
                      C       G
Be so much easier to say goodbye
                     C      G
No more waiting up whiskey nights
                           C       Em
Yeah, I'd've left ’bout a million times
         C                 D       G
It'd be so much easier to say goodbye
              C                     G
I ain't that patient, I ain't that kind
               D                Em
A little bit crazy, most of my life
           C                      Em    D    C
Girl, you save me, I don't know why
                      D             G     C
But I thank God that your love is blind
[Verse 3]
    G                C         G
I guess you don't believe in ghosts
                             C        G
You don't see the ones that haunt me most
                   C   Em
My demons and my skeletons
 C                 D         G
Honey, you ain't scared of them
              C                     G
I ain't that patient, I ain't that kind
               D                Em
A little bit crazy, most of my life
           C                      Em    D    C
Girl, you save me, I don't know why
                      D             G
But I thank God that your love is blind
                  C      G
You still love me even when
                     C        G
I haven’t loved the man I've been
                      C        Em
I don't deserve the grace you give
     C              D      G
And how you love me even when
              C                     G
I ain't that patient, I ain't that kind
               D                Em
A little bit crazy, most of my life
           C                      Em    D    C
Girl, you save me, I don't know why
                      D             Em
But I thank God that your love is blind
               C        D             G
Yeah, I thank God that your love is blind

How to play "Love Is Blind" by Nate Smith on guitar

- Chords: G, C, G
- Strumming: Use a steady down-up pattern.
- Transition: Ensure smooth changes between chords.

[Verse 1]
- Chords: G, C, G
- Strumming: Use a relaxed down-up pattern, focusing on downstrokes.
- Dynamics: Play softly to complement the reflective lyrics.
- Transition: Practice clean changes between G and C.

[Verse 2]
- Chords: G, C, G
- Strumming: Maintain a steady down-up pattern.
- Dynamics: Keep it soft to match the introspective tone.
- Transition: Ensure smooth changes between chords.

- Chords: C, G, D, Em, C, Em, D
- Strumming: Increase intensity with a steady down-up pattern.
- Rhythm: Emphasize the first beat of each measure to give the chorus more impact.
- Dynamics: Play louder than the verse to highlight the chorus.

[Verse 3]
- Chords: G, C, G, C, Em, C, D, G
- Strumming: Return to a softer down-up pattern, similar to the first verse.
- Feel: Maintain the same dynamics, focusing on the lyrical delivery.
- Transition: Ensure clean chord changes to keep the verse fluid.

- Chords: C, G, D, Em, C, Em, D
- Strumming: Maintain a steady down-up pattern with increased intensity.
- Dynamics: Play louder than the verse to make the chorus impactful.
- Emphasis: Highlight the first beat of each measure.

- Chords: C, G, C, G, C, Em, C, D, G
- Strumming: Gradually build up the intensity.
- Dynamics: Use this section to create a sense of anticipation for the final chorus.
- Transition: Ensure smooth changes between chords.

- Chords: C, G, D, Em, C, Em, D
- Strumming: Maintain the steady down-up pattern with increased intensity.
- Dynamics: Play louder than the verse to make the chorus impactful.
- Emphasis: Highlight the first beat of each measure.

- Chords: Em, C, D, G
- Strumming: Gradually soften your strumming as the song concludes.
- Dynamics: End gently, mirroring the song's intro.

[Common Mistakes]
- Switching between G and C: Practice the finger positioning for smooth transitions.
- Strumming consistency: Focus on keeping a steady rhythm, especially during dynamic changes.
- Overplaying: Ensure the vocals remain the focal point by not overpowering them with the guitar.

[Song Facts]
"Love Is Blind" by Nate Smith is a song about being grateful for a love 
that sees beyond imperfections. The lyrics reflect on the singer's 
personal flaws and how his partner's unconditional love helps him 
overcome them. It's a heartfelt tribute to the power of love and 

[Artist Biography]
Nate Smith is a rising country music artist known for his heartfelt lyrics 
and soulful voice. With roots in California, Smith's music blends 
traditional country with modern influences, creating a unique sound that 
resonates with a wide audience. His authentic storytelling and emotional 
performances have quickly garnered a dedicated fanbase.