Texas, Kiss My (whoops) chords - New Butte Mining Company

Texas, Kiss My (Whoops)
C 2008 by Ed Shaw (Joe Smith) of 
The New Butte Mining Company Band 

Verse one

In the bus station in Alamorgada
A cowboy I chanced to meet.

He was locked and loaded, 

with his feet on the ground.
He looked pretty sane to me.

When I asked him how he like Texas,
He looks me in the eye.
You could'a knocked me over with a feather,
          A             D
When he said, to my surprise:

Verse Two

I'm out 'a this boni fide golly moll-dinger,
I ain't coming back.
It's a money grubbin' accumulation,
All about what me can get.
They act like the rule the world,
Probably do.
Lone Star Nation, you can kiss my boot,
I don't want no more of you.


D        A
Now, everybody raise your glass,
A                                                 D
That ol' boy went ahead and said Texas kiss my (whoops)
D                   A
Drain that little glass
A                              D
He said, Texas kiss my (boing --guitar sting)

Verse Three

Now, Mister George acts like he's the dictator,
and Hank Three thinks he's bad.
I'd say that it was funny (wunny wunny)
If it weren't so gol durned sad.
Take all the oil in Houston,
Grease me up a path,
I'm slidin' out'a here and
By the way, did I say, 
Texas kiss my (whoop-de-doo)

Repeat Chorus

(and out) 

