What In The Worlds chords - Jack Scott

This is the work of Tim Ausburn

      Written and recorded by Jack Scott  1959  Key of E

(E) What in the world's come (Ab) over you,
(A) Seems we never get  a- (E) long,
(A) Every night I (E) reminise,
(F#7) dreamin' of your (B7) tender kisses,
(E) What in the world's come (Ab) over you,
(A) Could you ever change your (E) mind,
(A) If you do, I'll (E) still be here dear,
(A) waiting, (B7) longing for (E) you.

First chorus:
(B7) All my life I've loved you so,
(E) Never dreamed I'd miss you so,
(F#7) Now alone in my room each night,
My (B7) heart it cries, it's just not right,
Oh, (E) what in the world's come (Ab) over you,
(A) Could you ever change your (E) mind,
(A) If you do, I'll (E) still be here dear,
(A) Waiting, (B7) longing for (E) you.

Second chorus:
(B7) All my life I've loved you so,
(E) Never dreamed I'd miss you so,
(F#7) Now alone in my room each night,
My (B7) heart it cries, it's just not right,
Oh, (E) what in the world's come (Ab) over you,
(A) You're still my angel from a- (E) bove,
(A) Guess you'll always (E) be my one and
(A) Only, (B7) only real (E) love.

Good luck and have fun with this. Jack sung it all out of meter and paused 
at different times in the first and second chorus. Just work it out with 
your own timing and phrasing. Enjoy!  From Tim Ausburn

