Working At Working chords - Wayne 'The Train' Hancock

Please correct me if i'm wrong. 

E                                        A
Well the rich folks call it a recession, But poor folks call it a depression
E                                          B7
Everybodies in the street with the low down blues

Well i ain't a making no suggestions, But i'd just like to ask one question
If I can't find no work how the hell I'm gonna pay my dues?

I got holes in my roof, and holes in my shoes
and I sure am feeling down

if i wanna have a place to lay my head 
i gotta play every ole honky tonk in town

Working at working, dodging my bills
I wonder if the president knows how I feel
I stood in every soup line around

Well it's getting aweful hard a living this way
staying on the edge day to day
if i dont find something soon i'll be a highway bound

I got holes in my roof, and hoels in my shoes 
and I sure am feeling down
if i wanna have a place to lay my head 
i gotta play every ole honky tonk in town

Working at working, dodging my bills
I wonder if the president knows how I feel
I stood in every soup line around

Well it's getting aweful hard a living this way
staying on the edge day to day
if i dont find something soon i'll be a highway bound

Working at working paying on both my dues

Yodelalaohh hard time blues