Fall For You chords - Bryan Zach

See also: Zach Bryan Lyrics
See your face some damn day
While you smiling jewling shaking your head
Bm         A               D
But baby I'd still fall for you
Seen you cry a thousands times
Over petty things and I have to ask why
Bm    A               D
But I'd still fall for you
And all the things you worry about
Your weight your smile and your crooked mouth
I'd drive all night to see 'em all
Perfect is nothing to a man who falls
Bm             A           D
And baby oh daily I fall for you
Bm             A           D
I said baby oh daily I fall for you
See your face some damn day
While you smiling jewling shaking your head
Bm         A               D
But baby I'd still fall for you
[Verse 2]
Seen you cry a thousands times
Over petty things and I have to ask why
Bm    A               D
But I'd still fall for you
And all the things you worry about
Your weight your smile and your crooked mouth
I'd drive all night to see 'em all
Perfect is nothing to a man who falls
Bm             A           D
And baby oh daily I fall for you
Bm             A           D
I said baby oh daily I fall for you

How to play "Fall For You" by Bryan Zach on guitar.

"Fall For You" is a heartfelt ballad by Bryan Zach, characterized by
its straightforward chord progression and emotionally charged lyrics.
It's an excellent song for beginners due to its simple structure and
the repetitive nature of the chord sequences, which allows players to
focus on the emotional delivery of the song.

Chords Used:
D, Bm, A, G

Verse Progression:
The verses are built around a looping chord progression that starts
with D, transitions to Bm and A, and then resolves back to D. This
creates a reflective and intimate atmosphere, perfect for the song's
personal lyrical content.

See your face some damn day
Bm      A               D
But baby I'd still fall for you

Chorus Progression:
The chorus introduces the G chord, adding a layer of depth to the
song's harmonic structure. The progression for the chorus is G to D,
then Bm to A, and back to D, emphasizing the song's main message of
unconditional love.

And all the things you worry about
I'd drive all night to see 'em all
Bm           A            D
And baby oh daily I fall for you

Lyrics and Chords Alignment:
It's important to align the chords with the lyrics accurately to
capture the song's emotional essence. For example:

Seen you cry a thousand times
Bm    A               D
But I'd still fall for you

This alignment ensures that the chord changes support the lyrical
narrative, enhancing the overall emotional impact of the song.

The rhythm of "Fall For You" is gentle and steady, allowing the
lyrics and melody to take center stage. Focus on smooth chord
transitions and maintain a consistent strumming pattern to support
the vocals.

Lyrics Meaning:
"Fall For You" explores themes of unconditional love and acceptance,
highlighting the narrator's commitment and adoration for their
partner, despite imperfections and challenges. The song celebrates
the beauty of loving someone for who they are, embracing all their
quirks and flaws. It's a reminder that true love sees beyond the
surface, finding perfection in imperfection.