Red Flag chords - Wilson Anne

Capo 2nd fret
D  G  D  G  D    G
[Verse 1]
                    D           G
Don't sell yourself short, girl
     D                                  G                   C
He's gotta love you but he's gotta love Jesus just a little more, girl
It's worth waitin' for, girl
Where'd he come from?
Is he big city pretty or sweatin' for a dollar till the day's done?
C                    G
Is hard work what he runs from?
       D                                C                        G
At the end of the day my mama said some flags are green and some flags are red
He's a no go if he don't go to church
Better slow down if he ain't down to earth
      A                                          D
If he don't go huntin' and don't go fishin', you might as well throw him back
He if he don't R-E-S-P-E-C-T
The stars and the stripes in the land of the free
Better run away fast 'cause a boy like that
     G        D        F      G   D
Is a walkin', talkin', wavin' red flag
A red flag
           G   D
Oh, he's a red flag
A red flag
[Verse 2]
Does it make sense, girl?
                                                    G            C
Do you see him jumpin' off a fence and buyin' you a white picked fence world?
Or just got you for rent, girl?
He's a no go if he don't go to church
Better slow down if he ain't down to earth
      A                                          D
If he don't go huntin' and don't go fishin', you might as well throw him back
He if he don't R-E-S-P-E-C-T
The stars and the stripes in the land of the free
Better run away fast 'cause a boy like that
     G        D        F      G   D
Is a walkin', talkin', wavin' red flag
A red flag
           G   D
Oh, he's a red flag
Girl, he's a red flag
D                                        G
Some red flags don't know the golden rule
     D                               C G
Some red flags don't own a pair of boots
He's a no go if he don't go to church
Better slow down if he ain't down to earth
      A                                          D
If he don't go huntin' and don't go fishin', you might as well throw him back
He if he don't R-E-S-P-E-C-T
The stars and the stripes in the land of the free
Better run away fast 'cause a boy like that
     G        D        F      G   D
Is a walkin', talkin', wavin' red flag
A red flag (Said [?])
  G   D
A red flag (Mama warned you)
A red flag
(Girl, he's a—)

How to play "Red Flag" by Wilson Anne on guitar

Playing Style: "Red Flag" is a catchy and spirited song that uses a capo on the
2nd fret, featuring chords D, G, C, and A. This chord progression provides an
energetic backdrop for the song's playful and cautionary lyrics about recognizing
relationship red flags.

Capo Placement:
- Place your capo on the 2nd fret. This adjustment allows you to play the chords
  more comfortably while matching the song's key for vocal accompaniment.

Intro and Verses:
- Start with the intro using the chords D and G, setting an upbeat tone.
- The verses maintain a straightforward progression of D and G, transitioning
  into C for a slight melodic change. This chord pattern supports the conversational
  tone of the lyrics, which offer practical advice on romantic relationships.

- The pre-chorus introduces a shift to C and G, emphasizing the wisdom imparted
  from one generation to another about recognizing warning signs in relationships.

- The chorus uses D, G, A, and transitions back through G and D. This part of
  the song should be played with a full, resonant strumming pattern, such as
  Down-Down-Up-Up-Down-Up, to bring out the anthem-like quality of the chorus.
- Emphasize the fun and cautionary message of the lyrics by making the chorus
  bright and engaging.

- The post-chorus is simple, continuing with D and G. Keep the energy high here
  to maintain the song's momentum.

- The bridge introduces a reflective moment with D and G, followed by C and G.
  Play this section with a bit of introspection, allowing the listeners to
  contemplate the song's message before returning to the energetic chorus.

- Conclude the song with the outro by revisiting the chorus's themes and chord
  progression. End on a playful note, maintaining the energy until the final chord.

Common Mistakes:
- Not maintaining the rhythmic integrity can cause the song to lose its punch.
  Ensure the strumming is consistent and matches the driving force of the lyrics.
- Forgetting to transition smoothly between the chorus and the bridge can disrupt
  the flow. Practice these transitions to ensure the song's dynamic range is fully

Lyrics Meaning:
"Red Flag" explores themes of cautious dating advice, using a series of metaphors
and playful anecdotes to describe potential warning signs in a partner. The song
encourages listeners to be observant and discerning in their romantic choices,
highlighted by a catchy and humorous presentation.

This song is ideal for a lively performance that combines humor with practical
advice. Focus on the dynamic delivery of the lyrics and maintain the robust rhythmic
flow of the chords as you play, allowing the song to entertain and inform.
Capo 2nd fret
D  G  D  G  D    G
[Verse 1]
                    D           G
Don't sell yourself short, girl
     D                                  G                   C
He's gotta love you but he's gotta love Jesus just a little more, girl
It's worth waitin' for, girl
Where'd he come from?
Is he big city pretty or sweatin' for a dollar till the day's done?
C                    G
Is hard work what he runs from?
       D                                C                        G
At the end of the day my mama said some flags are green and some flags are red
He's a no go if he don't go to church
Better slow down if he ain't down to earth
      A                                          D
If he don't go huntin' and don't go fishin', you might as well throw him back
He if he don't R-E-S-P-E-C-T
The stars and the stripes in the land of the free
Better run away fast 'cause a boy like that
     G        D        F      G   D
Is a walkin', talkin', wavin' red flag
A red flag
           G   D
Oh, he's a red flag
A red flag
[Verse 2]
Does it make sense, girl?
                                                    G            C
Do you see him jumpin' off a fence and buyin' you a white picked fence world?
Or just got you for rent, girl?
He's a no go if he don't go to church
Better slow down if he ain't down to earth
      A                                          D
If he don't go huntin' and don't go fishin', you might as well throw him back
He if he don't R-E-S-P-E-C-T
The stars and the stripes in the land of the free
Better run away fast 'cause a boy like that
     G        D        F      G   D
Is a walkin', talkin', wavin' red flag
A red flag
           G   D
Oh, he's a red flag
Girl, he's a red flag
D                                        G
Some red flags don't know the golden rule
     D                               C G
Some red flags don't own a pair of boots
He's a no go if he don't go to church
Better slow down if he ain't down to earth
      A                                          D
If he don't go huntin' and don't go fishin', you might as well throw him back
He if he don't R-E-S-P-E-C-T
The stars and the stripes in the land of the free
Better run away fast 'cause a boy like that
     G        D        F      G   D
Is a walkin', talkin', wavin' red flag
A red flag (Said [?])
  G   D
A red flag (Mama warned you)
A red flag
(Girl, he's a—)

How to play "Red Flag" by Wilson Anne on guitar

Playing Style: "Red Flag" is a catchy and spirited song that uses a capo on the
2nd fret, featuring chords D, G, C, and A. This chord progression provides an
energetic backdrop for the song's playful and cautionary lyrics about recognizing
relationship red flags.

Capo Placement:
- Place your capo on the 2nd fret. This adjustment allows you to play the chords
  more comfortably while matching the song's key for vocal accompaniment.

Intro and Verses:
- Start with the intro using the chords D and G, setting an upbeat tone.
- The verses maintain a straightforward progression of D and G, transitioning
  into C for a slight melodic change. This chord pattern supports the conversational
  tone of the lyrics, which offer practical advice on romantic relationships.

- The pre-chorus introduces a shift to C and G, emphasizing the wisdom imparted
  from one generation to another about recognizing warning signs in relationships.

- The chorus uses D, G, A, and transitions back through G and D. This part of
  the song should be played with a full, resonant strumming pattern, such as
  Down-Down-Up-Up-Down-Up, to bring out the anthem-like quality of the chorus.
- Emphasize the fun and cautionary message of the lyrics by making the chorus
  bright and engaging.

- The post-chorus is simple, continuing with D and G. Keep the energy high here
  to maintain the song's momentum.

- The bridge introduces a reflective moment with D and G, followed by C and G.
  Play this section with a bit of introspection, allowing the listeners to
  contemplate the song's message before returning to the energetic chorus.

- Conclude the song with the outro by revisiting the chorus's themes and chord
  progression. End on a playful note, maintaining the energy until the final chord.

Common Mistakes:
- Not maintaining the rhythmic integrity can cause the song to lose its punch.
  Ensure the strumming is consistent and matches the driving force of the lyrics.
- Forgetting to transition smoothly between the chorus and the bridge can disrupt
  the flow. Practice these transitions to ensure the song's dynamic range is fully

Lyrics Meaning:
"Red Flag" explores themes of cautious dating advice, using a series of metaphors
and playful anecdotes to describe potential warning signs in a partner. The song
encourages listeners to be observant and discerning in their romantic choices,
highlighted by a catchy and humorous presentation.

This song is ideal for a lively performance that combines humor with practical
advice. Focus on the dynamic delivery of the lyrics and maintain the robust rhythmic
flow of the chords as you play, allowing the song to entertain and inform.