Fryin Bacon Naked chords - Joe Sun

Fryin’ Bacon Naked
Joe Sun from Kicking Asphalt Album
1999 Scena Records

Fryin’ Bacon Naked

(D) Loving you is like fryin’ bacon buck (G) naked
(A) You take me darling and you torture (D) me
(D) Loving you is like frying’ bacon buck (G) naked
(A) That’s how I’ll feel
When you get through with (D) me.

(D) You’d think I’d know
You’d think I’d  (A) learn
A trucker falls in love,
Trucker is going to get (D) burned.


(D) There’s just one thing
I want you to (A) pledge
You can burn my bacon
But don’t you dare scorch my (D) sausage.


(D) Why did God put thorns on a rose
He must have had a (A) reason
(D) I suppose
Why would a (A) woman
Want to put a trucker back into the frying(D) pan?


Fryin’ Bacon Naked
Joe Sun from Kicking Asphalt Album
1999 Scena Records

Fryin’ Bacon Naked

(D) Loving you is like fryin’ bacon buck (G) naked
(A) You take me darling and you torture (D) me
(D) Loving you is like frying’ bacon buck (G) naked
(A) That’s how I’ll feel
When you get through with (D) me.

(D) You’d think I’d know
You’d think I’d  (A) learn
A trucker falls in love,
Trucker is going to get (D) burned.


(D) There’s just one thing
I want you to (A) pledge
You can burn my bacon
But don’t you dare scorch my (D) sausage.


(D) Why did God put thorns on a rose
He must have had a (A) reason
(D) I suppose
Why would a (A) woman
Want to put a trucker back into the frying(D) pan?


Joe Sun Chords & Tabs List