Colorado Cowboy Cry chords - Original Artist


Well the wind blew out my campfire,
My tin cup coffee's gettin' cold.
Them old hard powdered buiscuits,
Is harder than before.
Well I guess I should be expectin' that,
There another three days old.

This saddle for a pillow,
And a horse blanket bed.
sure don't give much comfort,
To the cold long night ahead.
I wish I was down in Mexico,
With the hot sand to warm my feet,
Stead of sittin' in the Colorado snow,
Atop of old Pikes Peak..........

That old sun will come up in the morning.
Man it sure go'nna look warm.
But by the time I get my fire built..
I'll see the falseness of this dawn.
My old boots are cold,
More sore than my old feet.
But I gotta start my workin'
Cause a cowboys got to eat.


My pony's movin' kind of slow,
We'll stop for noon day bacon.
Those five day old buisuits might be good
The way my stomachs achin'.
Maybe tonight we'll go into town,
And try a good hot tub....
But for now We'll keep a ridin,
We've gotta earn our grub.