The Hell Outta Here chords - Original Artist

Driving down the highway,
leaving everything behind,
going my own way,
stealing everything i find.

Dont really care where i go,
just want to get the hell outta here,
aint turning back, 
cause we ticked my dad off and he is my worst fear

I aint listenin to no one,
aint going home,
ill follow the sun,
and it shoud take me,
the hell outta here.

been up all night
havent slept a wink
i am seeing weird colours
like red and pink
aint going back
until the end of this fight


the last thing i wanna do
is be seen around the kinda guy like you
get the hell away from me
touch me and youll seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
what i do.


theres no one to make mee turn around
nothing on earth tho make me turn
wont listen to what you say no wont turn around
cause if you do ill make you burn...


What has life done for me
i dont want to breathe a breath
cause if you do....... if you do
if you do i am gonna drive off this cliff
