'untitled' J. Cash Tribute Song chords - Original Artist

I got an email from that Paramount Group thing in Nashville about some Johnny
Cash tribute contest,  ideas started floatin' so I wrote em down, let me know 
what you think......

I have no experience writing lyrics at all, I just wrote the words as they hit 
my head  :) not so much about Cash, as a story about how his songs were a part 
of my life and incorporated his song titles into the lyrics.

Untitled JCash tribute song
Written by Bart Raboin - 10/03

Try as he might, I wasn't answerin' my door,
I knew a fulldays work was waitin on the other side,

He'd yell, 'wake up lightnin!' but I sure wasn't all that quick.
I hit the Nightlife on Friday and cursed those Cocaine Blues,

Daddy'd say he's a Worried Man, tellin' me to Walk the Line,
then he grabbed his old guitar, cuz he knew it'd do the trick...

I woke up to the Man in Black, and saw folsom prison in those fields,

he sang loud and a bit off key, but it Unchained me from my sleep

The songs got us to Drive On, another day a little further on.

I didn't know then but I realize now,

it was my daddy's way of dealin, with the pain.

A Country Boy made of Flesh and Blood, and my momma his One Rose, 
She was a Spritual and loving soul, did her best to keep us close,

A Rowboat was my brother's rocket ship, chasin' Riders in the Sky,
It's where I helped build a family home One Piece at a Time.

These days it feels like I've Been Everywhere
But there's still a place where my mind goes back home,

"pick it."

I woke up to the Man in Black, and saw folsom prison in those fields,

he sang loud and a bit off key, but it Unchained me from my sleep

The songs got us to Drive On, another day a little further on.

I didn't know then but I realize now,

it was my daddy's way of dealin, with the pain.

quick fade to background strumming
..at end of song:

(normal speech)
I'm a bit older now, and my dad, he's still around.  Once and a while When the 
Man Comes Around,  we'll sit down and play those songs, rememberin 
back.....*fade in a cr*ppy recording of dad singing and playing his old 
guitar*  then fade out......"Alright alright, I'm up......whatta we got to do 
today?.."  end on one final chord strum and maybe the old man laughin or some 
quick quirp