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No One Gets Out Alive chords by Maggie Rose

Maggie Rose Chords

[Verse 1]
A             F
Buy the house visit Rome
Wear the dress
That stops the show
Don't you know
Dm               A
No one gets out alive
[Verse 2]
Call the boy
Ask the girl
Have no regrets
When you leave this world
'Cause you know
Dm               A     G D
No one gets out alive
So stay a while here on the swing
D                               A
Let's pretend we'll always be together
'Cause there's no way that we could know
D                                    A
When we'll go where all things go forever
          G        E
I'm gonna hope for better
[Verse 3]
Watch the sky
From a hill
Do what you can
To make time stand still
'Cause you know
Dm               A  G D
No one gets out alive
So bring the wine and stay up late
D                               A
Let's pretend we'll always be together
'Cause there's no way that we could know
D                                    A
When we'll go where all things go forever
              G        E
But I'm gonna hope for better
[Instrumental Break]
C F C F G D   A C  G
So bring the wine and celebrate
D                               A
Let's pretend we'll always be together
'Cause there's no way that we could know
D                                    A
When we'll go where all things go forever
          G        E
I'm gonna hope for better
[Verse 4]
Hold your friends
Forgive the night
Die to love
And live your life
Don't you know
Dm              N.C.
No one gets out alive
A  F  F#m  G
 A F   F#m G  A  Fmaj7
Alive, ooh
 F#m    G    A  F  F#m
Alive, alive
 G   A  F  F#m  G
No one gets out
 F      F#m  G
Alive, alive
            A   Fmaj7  F#m  G  A  F
No one gets out
 F#m  G  A
Woo, ooh

How to play "No One Gets Out Alive" on guitar.

Maggie Rose's "No One Gets Out Alive" is a reflective and soulful song that contemplates 
the inevitability of life's end and the importance of living fully. Its chord progression 
is straightforward yet evocative, offering guitarists a chance to delve into deeper 
emotional territories through their music. The song utilizes a mix of major and minor 
chords to paint its poignant message.

Capo: No capo needed unless you wish to adjust for vocal range.

Chords Used:
A, F, F#m, A7, D, Dm, G, E, A/G, C, Fmaj7

Standard tuning (E A D G B E)

The song begins with a single A chord, setting a contemplative mood.


Verse Progression:
The verses use a mix of A, F, F#m, A7, D, and Dm, crafting a narrative that weaves 
through life's significant moments with a gentle reminder of its transient nature.

    A       F       F#m     A7
    D       Dm      A

The chorus shifts the tone slightly with E, D, and G chords, offering a melodic uplift 
that contrasts with the verses' reflective nature.

    E       D       A
    E       D       A
            G       E

Instrumental Break:
An instrumental break incorporates C, F, G, and D, allowing a moment of musical 
reflection that mirrors the song's thematic contemplation.

    C F C F G D   A C  G D A G D

The outro revisits the song's main themes, slowly fading out on the A, F, F#m, and G 
chords, leaving listeners with a lingering sense of the song's message.

    A F   F#m G  A  Fmaj7
    F#m    G    A  F  F#m G   A

Strumming Pattern:
A gentle, flowing strumming pattern works best for this song, allowing the chords to 
breathe and the lyrics to take center stage. Combine downstrokes and upstrokes to match 
the song's dynamics, particularly emphasizing the transitions between major and minor 

Song Lyrics Meaning:
"No One Gets Out Alive" explores the themes of life's fleeting nature and the importance 
of embracing every moment. Through its thoughtful lyrics, the song encourages listeners 
to live fully, love deeply, and let go of petty grievances, knowing that in the end, 
"no one gets out alive." It's a beautiful reminder to appreciate the present and to make 
the most of our time with loved ones, embracing the beauty and complexity of life with 
open arms and hearts.            

Maggie Rose ChordsMaggie Rose Lyrics

Maggie Rose Chords List

Buy Maggie Rose CD
Maggie Rose

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  3. Fake Flowers Chords
  4. I Ain't Your Mama Chords
  5. No One Gets Out Alive Chords
  6. Only Time Around Chords
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