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Why Haven't You Loved Me Yet chords by Ferrell Sierra

Ferrell Sierra Chords

G                                 D
The sun is hanging round how it’s big and bright
I’m watching you how you’re walking out of sight
You’re walking to a girl who lives down on my street
I’m just wondering why that it isn’t me
    C                D
I’m all alone, in my house my home
Wondering why haven’t you loved me yet
[Instrumental Verse]
G                                D
The moon is hanging low how it’s big and round
I’m watching you and how you run all over town
Another girl I see how they quickly come and go
I’m just wondering why tonight it’s not me you hold
    C                D
I’m all alone, in my house my home
Wondering why haven’t you loved me yet
                   D                        G     D G
I’m just wondering why haven’t you loved me yet.

Intro: Setting the Tone
The song begins with an uplifting mix of chords that lay the groundwork
for the story. Start with a C chord, moving to D, and landing on G,
which sets a hopeful yet questioning atmosphere.

Verse 1: Expressing Longing
The verse starts with the G chord, painting a picture of a bright, sunny
day contrasted with personal feelings of longing and invisibility.
Transitioning to the D chord emphasizes the realization of unreciprocated
affection. The lyrics "I’m all alone, in my house my home" over the C to D chords
then back to G, capture a moment of solitude and yearning, setting
the emotional tone of the song.

Instrumental Verse: A Reflective Pause
An instrumental section follows, mirroring the verse's chord progression.
This part allows for a moment of reflection, giving the melody space to breathe
and further sinking into the song's emotional depth.

Verse 2: Deepening the Narrative
In the next verse, the narrative deepens with observations under the moonlight,
using the same chord progression. This verse explores themes of longing and
the transient nature of relationships, with the repetition of the C and D chords
reinforcing the feeling of solitude and the question posed by the song.

Chorus: Highlighting the Emotional Core
The chorus is where the song's emotional inquiry peaks, asking "why haven’t
you loved me yet" with a poignant mix of simplicity and depth. The chord
changes from G to D and then C to D, before resolving back to G, perfectly
underscore the heartfelt plea of the lyrics.

Playing Tips
- Let the chords guide the emotional expression of the song, with gentle
transitions that reflect the narrative's introspective mood.
- Pay attention to the dynamics, especially during the chorus, to convey
the depth of longing and reflection in the lyrics.
- The instrumental verse offers a moment to emphasize the song's melody
and thematic elements without words, so use this section to deepen
the emotional impact of the performance.

"Why Haven't You Loved Me Yet" is a song that combines simple chord
progressions with deeply felt emotions, creating a narrative that's relatable
and moving. Through careful attention to the lyrics and chord changes,
you can bring out the essence of the song and connect with its themes
of longing and unreciprocated love.            

Ferrell Sierra ChordsFerrell Sierra Lyrics

Ferrell Sierra Chords List

Buy Ferrell Sierra  CD
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