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3 Sisters chords by Waxahatchee

Waxahatchee Chords

[Verse 1]
G              D                      C
    I pick you up inside a hopeless prayer
              Am             (G)
    I see you beholden to nothing
G             D                       C
    I make a living crying it ain’t fair
    And not budging
I don’t see why you would lie
       D                     C     Am
It was   never the love you wanted
It’s a state of mind you designed
        D                      C   Am
You get   everything that you want
[Verse 2]
           G               D
You might get lost in the moment
         C             Am
Take it easy on your opponent
It plays on my mind
                     D                      C    Am
How the time passing   covers you like a friend
G | D | C | Am |
I don’t see why you would lie
       D                     C     Am
It was   never the love you wanted
It’s a state of mind you designed
        D                      C   Am
You get   everything that you want
[Verse 3]
               G                  D
If you’re not living then you’re dying
        C             Am
Just a raw nerve satisfying
Some futile bottom line
                      D                        C   Am
All my life I’ve been   running from what you want
[Verse 4]
G              D                           C
    You drive like you’re wanted in four states
                 Am           (G)
    In a busted truck in Opelika
G             D
    Your bad reputation carries
        C        Am
    And I’m just like you
I try to justify and scrape by
      D                       C  Am
I was   always the one unsteady
It’s a state of mind
                   D                         C   Am
You malign and you   don’t get caught up in much
[Verse 5]
       G                     D
I’m defenseless against the sales pitch
       C                Am
Am I your moat or your drawbridge?
It plays on my mind
                     D                         C    Am
How the time passing   holds you like pocket change
G | D | C | Am |
I don’t see why you would try
       D                    C     Am
It was   never my love you wanted
It always mystifies me
                 D                     C    Am
The time passing   covers you like a friend
[Verse 6]
               G                  D
If you’re not living then you’re dying
        C              Am
A lightning bolt, horrifying
An unsuspecting sky
                       D                        C   Am
All my life, I’ve been   running from what you want
G | D | C | Am |
G | D | C | Am |
G |

How to play "3 Sisters" by Waxahatchee on guitar offers a beautiful journey
into a melodic exploration, intertwining thoughtful lyrics with captivating chord
progressions. This tutorial will guide you through the song, emphasizing the
importance of rhythm and the emotional resonance each chord brings to
the narrative. Understanding the feel of this song is crucial, as it delves deep
into introspection, relationships, and self-reflection, all carried by the gentle
strumming of a guitar.

Guitar Lesson Overview:
The song structure alternates between verses, choruses, and instrumental sections,
maintaining a consistent chord pattern that's accessible for guitarists of all levels.
You'll primarily be working with the chords G, D, C, and Am throughout the song.
The beauty lies in the simplicity of these chords, allowing the lyrics and melody to
shine through.

Verse 1 and 2:
Start with a gentle strumming pattern, focusing on the transition between G, D, C,
and Am. The opening lines, "I pick you up inside a hopeless prayer," set
the emotional tone. Pay attention to how each chord change supports the lyrical
narrative, moving from G to D to express a shift in sentiment, then to C and Am,
adding depth and introspection.

G to D: Emphasizes a narrative shift or an introduction of a new thought.
C to Am: Brings a softer, more reflective mood.
Practice moving smoothly between these chords, ensuring each strum
resonates clearly.

The chorus introduces a slight variation in strumming intensity to highlight
the emotional climax of the song. "I don’t see why you would lie" should
be played with a bit more emphasis on the G and D chords, reflecting
the directness of the lyrics. The C to Am transition remains soft, underscoring
the introspective nature of the song.

Instrumental Sections:
Instrumental sections follow the same chord progression (G, D, C, Am) and
offer a moment for instrumental reflection, mirroring the introspective nature
of the lyrics. Use this section to explore the dynamics of your strumming,
playing with volume and tempo to convey emotion without words.

Concluding Verses and Outro:
As you progress to the later verses and the outro, maintain the established
rhythm and chord progression. The repetition of the chords, paired with
the evolving narrative of the lyrics, invites a deepened emotional connection
with the song. The outro, with its instrumental repetition, serves as a reflective
bookend to the journey the song has taken you on.

Final Tips:
- Rhythm and Emotion: The rhythm should feel natural and flowing, embodying
the song's reflective nature. Let the chords breathe, giving space for
the lyrics to resonate.
- Dynamics: Play with dynamics throughout the song, especially in the chorus
and instrumental sections, to highlight emotional peaks and valleys.
- Practice: As with any song, practice is key. Focus on clean chord transitions
and maintaining a steady rhythm.            

Waxahatchee ChordsWaxahatchee Lyrics

Waxahatchee Chords List

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