Keep On Walkin' - The Grascals Lyrics

The Grascals Lyrics The Grascals Chords

Keep On Walkin'

as a little boy playin in the sand
my momma'd take me by the hand, so i could stand
and get me walkin
sometimes id fall to the ground
id get back up and stumble 'round, just like a clown
but i was walkin

not too fast and not too slow
keep it steady as i go
and live each as if it were the last
and keep on walkin

daddy dropped me off first day of school
i was cryin tears and he was too, but we played it cool
and we kept on walkin
i was just 15 when old jimmy cried
invited me to do a line, but i declined
yeah i kept on walkin

repeat chorus

spent some time out in santa fe
a blue eyed girl standin in my way, beggin me to stay
but i kept on walkin
i headed home to my lovin wife
cause i promised her my hand for life, and side by side
we'll keep on walkin

repeat chorus

im gettin old and feeble now
havin trouble gettin round, im slowin down
but im still walkin
im hearin angels sing on high
then suddenly i realize, i seen the light
i keep on walkin

as im crossin over jordan i cant wait
my mom and dad are waitin at the gates
to help me walk in
i keep on walkin
i keep on walkin