Darrell by The Henningsens
Drooling like a dog at a piece of meat, well ain’t that just like Darrell
So I thought to myself that’s one too many, and the thought of revenge drove out all the pity,
Cause if every time he cheated I had a penny, I’d be a rich girl
So I drove him car to Alabama, I grinned when I crossed that line,
I’ve done something awful to Darrell, seemed like a good idea at the time
And I heard Darrell rustling in the trunk, and it wouldn’t be long before he’d waking up,
So I picked the nearest convenience store and I told everybody get down on the floor,
I took all the cash and ran out the door and speed off in his car
I stuck him in the front seat with his sky mask on and the cash,
I ran like a rabbit through the pines,
I watched from a distance as they hailed his butt to jail, seemed like a good idea at the time
Take him away boys
Every now and then I’ll write a perfumed letter,
Dear Darrell how do you adjust in the prison life,
Let him know I sort of kind of miss him, does he ever lies awake late at night,
Do you wrestle with the best stage of your conscience, reflecting on your cheating and your lies
There’s one thing I got to know Darrell, was it a good idea at the time
Hey, hey Darrel, hey, hey Darrel,
Hey, hey Darrel, was it a good idea at the time
Yeah, I was looking at him, looking right through me, looking at her walking down the street
He’s drooling like a dog at a piece of meat, ain’t that just like Darrell