How to Play "Youre Gonna Love Yourself" Guitar chords
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You're Gonna Love Yourself (In The Morning)"
Words & Music by Donnie Fritts
Recorded by Bonnie Koloc
Recorded by Roy Clark
(C)Heaven knows that (E)someone has a(Am)bused you, (C C7)
I (F)guess that's why you (A)think I'm gonna (Dm)use you. (F)
You (Bb)say you'll hate your(C)self in the (C7)morning,
Cause you'll (F)wake up and (Am)find me (Dm)gone. (Dm7)
But (G)if you give me just (G7)one more chance,
C C7
(C)I can prove you (C7)wrong.
(F)You're gonna (G)love yourself in the (C)morning,
Cause (Dm)I'm gonna love you (G)all night (C)long.
(F)You're gonna (G)love yourself in the (E)mor...(Am)ning,
And (F)every morning (C)from now (G)on. (G7)
(C)I know what you're (F)thinking I don't (Am)blame you, (C7)
It's gonna (F)take a whole lot of (A7)love just to (Dm)change you. (F)
When you (Bb)wake up in the (C)morning, you're gonna (F)feel like a
(Am)different (Dm)girl.
And (G)you will see....(G7)that it can be (C)such a beautiful
(C7)world....(TO CHORUS)