Holding Her Lovng You chords - Earl Thomas Conley

Earl Thomas Conley Chords Earl Thomas Conley Lyrics

How to Play "Holding Her Lovng You" Guitar chords

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    Here is a song I have been looking for, so I bought the CD and  
	transcribed it myself. I hope everyone enjoys   Dean Comer 

Holding Her and Lovng You
By Earl Thomas Conley (key of G)
songwriters Walt Aldridge/Tommy Brasfield

G                      C                G  D  C
It's the third hardest thing I'll ever do
        G    D        G
leavin' here without you
G                      C            G  D  C
and the second hardest thing I'll ever do
          G   D       G
is tellin her about you
she's been good to me
when things were goin' rough
Am			 D
how can I tell her now, good ain't good enough
    G                      C            G  D  C
oh, the hardest thing I've ever had to do 
           G        D        G
is holding her, and loving you G C G D C if she'd give me one good reason I'd be gone G D G she ain't done, one thing wrong G C G D C so don't expet me to just walk out of the door G D G I still love her, but I love you more Am she's been good to me G when things weren't goin' right Am D she made my days long before you made my nights G C G D C so, the hardest thing I've ever had to do G D G is holding her, and loving you G C G D G C G C G D C yeah, the hardest thing I'll ever have to do G D G is holing her, and loving you G C G D C girl, the hardest thing I'll ever have to do G D G is holding her, and loving you Comnpliments Dean Comer deancomer@granitecity.com www.outbackrecords.com Enjoy..