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Baptized chords by Shane Elvie

Shane Elvie Chords

Capo 1st fret
Em  G  C  Am
[Verse 1]
Paradise ain't streets of gold
It's piney hills and windin' roads
    C                         Am
And anywhere I get to go with you
On southern summer Sunday nights
With stars slow dancin' in your eyes
     C                             Am
It's temptin', tryin', tantalizin' proof
If this ain't Heaven on Earth
Not sure what Heaven is worth
C                      Am
I damn sure ain't in a hurry to get there
If there ain't moments like this
Lost in the rush of your kiss
C                                Am
Found in the touch of your skin, out somewhere
Down that same Wild Creek Road
Where sins get set afloat
C                          Am
Washed by the want in your eyes
        Em  G  C  Am
[Verse 2]
There ain't a soul for miles around
Out herŠµ, we lay those halos down
This holler feels likŠµ higher ground
It's holy how you hold me now
If this ain't Heaven on Earth
Not sure what Heaven is worth
C                      Am
I damn sure ain't in a hurry to get there
If there ain't moments like this
Lost in the rush of your kiss
C                                Am
Found in the touch of your skin, out somewhere
Down that same Wild Creek Road
Where sins get set afloat
C                          Am
Washed by the want in your eyes
Em  G  C  Am
Em  G
It's holy how you hold me now
It's holy how you hold me now
If this ain't Heaven on Earth
Not sure what Heaven is worth
C                      Am
I damn sure ain't in a hurry to get there
If there ain't moments like this
Lost in the rush of your kiss
C                                Am
Found in the touch of your skin, out somewhere
Down that same Wild Creek Road
Where sins get set afloat
C                          Am
Washed by the want in your eyes
Em  G  C  Am

How to play "Baptized" by Shane Elvie on guitar

Playing Style: This song is played with a capo on the 1st fret, allowing you to
use open chord shapes while adjusting to the key of the song. The combination of
Em, G, C, and Am creates a reflective and soulful atmosphere appropriate for the
song's theme.

Capo Placement:
- Place your capo on the 1st fret. This alters the pitch slightly, making the
  open chords resonate with the tonality of the original track.

Intro & Outro:
- The intro and outro feature a sequence of Em, G, C, and Am. This chord
  progression sets the tone for the song, reflective and introspective.

Verse Chords:
- The verses use the same chord progression as the intro. The lyrics paint vivid
  imagery, and the chords should be played in a way that supports this storytelling.
- Focus on the emotional delivery of the lyrics while maintaining a steady rhythm.

Chorus Chords:
- The chorus emphasizes the same chord progression but may require a slight
  increase in dynamics to highlight the emotional peak of the song.
- The lyrics in the chorus are powerful and should be accompanied by confident
  and clear chord strumming.

Strumming Pattern:
- A common strumming pattern for this song is Down-Down-Up-Up-Down-Up, which
  provides a smooth and flowing rhythm that complements the lyrical content.
- Keep the strumming consistent and allow the natural accents of the chords to
  enhance the lyrical message.

- Practice smooth transitions between Em, G, C, and Am. These transitions are
  fundamental, as they recur throughout the song.
- Ensure each chord is played cleanly, with particular attention to the Am, which
  often carries emotional weight in the song.

Common Mistakes:
- Rushing through the chord changes. Each chord should be given its moment, especially
  in the chorus where the lyrics are most poignant.
- Losing the rhythm during the emotional parts. Maintain your strumming pattern to
  keep the song cohesive.

Lyrics Meaning:
"Baptized" explores themes of redemption and spiritual rebirth through love,
describing moments of intimacy and connection as sacred and transformative.
The song uses natural and religious imagery to express the depth of these
experiences, suggesting that such moments are akin to being baptized.

Regular practice focusing on the emotional aspect and dynamics will enable you to
deliver a compelling rendition of this song. Enjoy the richness of its melody and
lyrics as you play.            

Shane Elvie ChordsShane Elvie Lyrics

Shane Elvie Chords List

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