Yakity Yak - Bomb Iraq chords
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Yakity Yak, Bomb Iraq
By Vince Vance and the Valiants
Saddam's a tyrant, he's Insane
A Hitler by another name
He gassed his people and the Kurds
It's time to squash that camel turd
Yakity Yak - Bomb Iraq
Inspections are a big disgrace
Iraq is lying to our face
We're not real cops I hear you say
But we won't turn and walk away.
Yakity Yak - Bomb Iraq
Tommy Franks please take command
Don't draw no war lines in the sand
Al-Qaeda killers call him friend
Let's shove those scuds up his rear end
Yakity Yak - Bomb Iraq
Can't you smell that awful stench
Must be the Germans and the French
We saved their butts in World War 2
So kiss my ass! We don't need you
Yakity Yak, Bomb Iraq
He wants to build an atom bomb
Before he does, let's bomb Saddam
UN talks smells like diarrhea
After Iraq, let's bomb Korea
Yakity Yak - Bomb Iraq
Yakity Yak, Yakity Yak
Yakity Yak, Yakity Yak
Yakity Yak, Yakity Yak, Bomb Iraq!