Wide Open Plain chords - Doug Paisley

Doug Paisley Chords Doug Paisley Lyrics

How to Play "Wide Open Plain" Guitar chords

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Capo 2nd Fret

(Guitar Part One)

C           G
What to put before
F                 C
The glove and the rain
Am         G     F
In the wide open plain

C                 G
What we choose to take
F         C
What will remain
Am         G     F
On the wide open plain

C            G              
In a wave of wind
F        C
Flood of rain 
Am           G         F
We are washed grain by grain

C G From the skies on high F C Nothing has changed Am G F Stars are peering out again G G/Em F Am You will not hide inside the shadow F-G F F-G When the day begins again F Am You won’t be watching from your window Em-F G In the wide open plain F C F C C G Oh they come to me F C One by one Am G F In the little time remains C G I felt the sting of F C Deeds I done by which Am G F I’d hope to gain C G The melodies of F C The songs unsung Am G F I drawn out slow with pain C G And swell beyond F C The rising lines Am G F On the wide open plain F Am You will not see me up and running F-G F F-G For there are no hides to gain F Am And we will surely see it coming Em-F G In the wide open plain (Guitar Part One) C G We stand once more F C On golden shores Am G F They’re still and stony dream C G The sea of glass F C The sea that roars Am G F Where are our spoils are drained C G Will now and ever F C Deeply lie Am G F Anchoring in our chains C G And divide us endless F C Deathless from Am G F The wide open plain F Am I wake up trembling in the morning F-G F F-G To a cold and soundless rain F Am I know beneath these streets are born in Em-F G Is a wide open plain (Guitar Ending) Guitar Part One e|-1----1-------------------------------------------------| B|-3--3/1------1----------1-----------1----1-----1---1----| G|--2----2----------------2------------0----------2--2----| D|----------0/2--0/2-0----2----------2-----0----2----2----| A|---------------------3--0-----0-2-3---3-2----0-----0----| E|-------------------------- 3--------------3-----3-------| e|-1----1-------------------------------------------------| B|-3--3/1------1----------1-----------1----1-----1---1----| G|--2----2----------------2------------0----------2--2----| D|----------0/2--0/2-0----2----------2-----0----2----2----| A|---------------------3--0-----0-2-3---3-2----0-----0----| E|-------------------------- 3--------------3-----3-------| e|----3---5-5--3-0-----3--3-0---1/1-----1/1--------1--1---| B|-3/5-5--6-6--5-1--3/5-5-3-1-1-1/3-1---1/3---------2-----| G|----------------------------2-----0/2----0/2----2-------| D|-------------------------------------3------3--0----0---| A|--------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------3----| e|----3---5-5--3-0-----3--3-0---1/1-----1/1--------1--1---| B|-3/5-5--6-6--5-1--3/5-5-3-1-1-1/3-1---1/3---------2-----| G|----------------------------2-----0/2----0/2----2-------| D|-------------------------------------3------3--0----0---| A|--------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------3----| Guitar Ending = Part One + Below e|-------------------------------| B|---------1---1-1---1--1--------| G|----------0----0----2----------| D|--------2--2-0-0--2------------| A|-0-0-2-3----2--2-0----0--------| E|--3-----------3------3---------| e|-------------------------------| B|---------1---1-1---1--1--------| G|----------0----0----2----------| D|--------2--2-0-0--2------------| A|-0-0-2-3----2--2-0----0--------| E|--3-----------3------3---------| [Thanks to William Blanda for tabs]

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