How to Play "You Ain't Alone" Guitar chords
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You Ain't Alone
Written by Toby Keith & Scotty Emerick
Recorded by Toby Keith
(No Capo)
Intro.: |(Em) |(Em) |(A) |(A) |(Em) |(Em) |(A) |(A) ---
(Bm)I've chased all the cracks (A)up and down the ceiling
(Em)Worn a path across these hardwood (Bm) floors
I've stared at the walls and (A)I've looked out the window
And (Em)I pray for your knock upon my (Bm) door
There's a (D)sad lovers' moon (Em)shining on the evening
I (G)miss you more than ever and I'm (F#)sorry that you're gone
(Bm)I wish things were different, I (Em)had no way of knowing
If (C)you're all by yourself to-(B)night, you ain't a-(Em)lone |(Em) |(A) |(A)
Inst.: You ain't a-(Em)lone |(Em) |(A) |(A)
No (Bm)coffee on the stove and on the (A)table in the kitchen
There's a (Em)busted hand of midnight soli(Bm)taire
There's a ghost in the bedroom, a (A)nightgown on the dresser
A (Em)broken heart that wishes you were (Bm) there
Repeat Chorus
Inst.: You ain't a-(Em)lone |(Em) |(A) |(A) |(Em) |(Em) |(A) |(A) |
(F#m)Tears of sorrow and regret, (C#m)ashtrays full of cigarettes
(Bm)Empty bottles lined up just like (F#m)soldiers, hmm (G#m)
But by (Bm)now somebody holds (F#m)her -----