Dad Gave My Dog Away chords - Tyler T Texas

Tyler T Texas Chords

How to Play "Dad Gave My Dog Away" Guitar chords

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Recorded by T. Texas Tyler

My Dad gave me a brand new bike, a streamlined one of blue
And it had silver lines for trimming, and it had all the extras, too
I looked it over, but I knew it would never repay
For what my Daddy did to me, he gave my dog away.

I know dogs are a lot of work, if folks don't want them there
You know, you have to feed and water them
And house them, too, with lots of care
But it was fun for me, because we'd always romp and play.
But without asking me at all, Dad gave my dog away.

I hurried home from school last night and with the usual glee
I raced to Bruce's little house, but he didn't rush to me
And I asked Dad if he had seen Bruce, but Dad, he wouldn't say
And Mother, she told me afterwards, that Dad gave my dog away.

Now I know that a new bike costs a lot and it would please many boys
But I would gladly trade mine for small Bruce's playful noise
And though I thanked both Mom and Dad, and they thought me quite gay I hurried to my room to cry, because Dad gave my dog away. Dad says that boys outgrow such things as counting dogs as friends He says that I'll have to learn that all childish hurts do mend And so he bought the bike for me, it just stands there blue and grey But it's just a reminder that he gave my dog away. You know, when I'm grown and have a lad, who'll want a dog, instead Of bikes and other costly things, I'll never turn my head I'll think of all the grief I knew, when I came out to play And those small paws pounced on my knees, Dad gave my dog away. Please, dear God, send me another dog Please God, because Dad, (tearfully) Dad gave my dog away.

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