This Hurt chords - Graw Cooder

Graw Cooder Chords

How to Play "This Hurt" Guitar chords

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This Hurt
By Cooder Graw
rmofle at

She’s the one to lie to you

E                                A                 E
This hurt ain’t nothing a little leaving you won’t cure
     E                            F#              B7
This pain will go away as soon as I walk out your door
     A                                   E               A
This heart will take a beating, yeah but it’ll be fine I know
    E                     B7             E
I'm there when I tell you I'm glad to be gone

    A                      E 
You left me lying here all alone
    F#                B
You had me hoping the morning would find you home
A E A You could have stopped the crying if you’d just picked up the phone E B7 E You could’ve been good but you wound up wrong Chorus Roll up the red carpet and burn the welcome mat You can flush my toothbrush honey, I ain’t never coming back Shame on you from what you did, and shame on your mom and dad For letting you run around and treat me so bad Chorus

Graw Cooder Chords & Tabs List