How to Play "Road Goes on Forever" Guitar chords
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Great song, I'm surprised noone else has posted this already. I've seen it before with G and C but this sounds a lot
better. On the last verse, just strum once where it shows (listen to the song to perfect it).
G/D: 320033 C9: X32033 D: XX0232
Sherry was a waitress at the only joint in town
She had a reputation as a girl who'd been around
Down Main Street after midnight with a brand new pack of cigs
A fresh one hangin' from her lips, a beer between her legs
She'd ride down to the river and meet with all her friends
C9 G/D
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
Sonny was a loner, older than the rest
He was going in the Navy, but he couldn't pass the test
So he hung around town, he sold a little pot
The law caught wind of Sonny and one day he got caught
But he was back in business when they set him free again
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
Sonny's playin' 8-ball at the joint where Sherry works
When some drunken outta towner put his hand up Sherry's skirt
Sonny took his pool cue laid the drunk out on the floor
Stuffed a dollar in her tip jar and walked on out the door
She's runnin' right behind him reachin' for his hand
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
They jumped into his pickup, Sonny jammed her down in gear
Sonny looked at Sherry and said lets get on outta here
The stars were high above them, the moon was in the east
The sun was settin' on them when they reached Miami Beach
They got a hotel by the water and a quart of Bombay gin
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
They soon ran out of money, but Sonny knew a man
Who knew some Cuban refugees that delt in contraband
Sonny met the Cubans in a house just off the route
With a briefcase full of money and a pistol in his boot
The cards were on the table when the law came bustin' in
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
The Cubans grabbed the goodies and Sonny grabbed the Jack
He broke a bathroom window and climbed on out the back
Sherry drove the pickup through the alley on the side
Where a lawman tackled Sonny and was reading him his rights
She stepped into the alley with a single shot .410
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
They left the lawman lyin', they made their getaway
They got back to the motel just before the break of day
Sonny gave her all the money and he blew a little kiss
If they ask you how this happened say I forced you into this
She watched him as his taillights disappeared around the bend
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
Its Main Street after midnight just like it was before
C9 C9
21 months later at the local grocery store
Sherry buys a paper and a cold 6-pack of beer
C9 C9
The headlines read that Sonny is goin' to the chair
She pulls back onto Main Street in her new Mercedes Benz
C9 C9 G/D
The road goes on forever and the party never ends
[Thanks to Parker for tabs]