Gloria chords - Van Morrison

Van Morrison Chords Van Morrison Lyrics

How to Play "Gloria" Guitar chords

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Gloria -- Van Morrison (1965)

(1) Continous guitar backup throughout the song:

     E  E  G6 G6 D  G6 A  G6   G6: --oooo
     /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /        ------
     |__|__|__|  |__|__|__|        -o----
If You can't play that fast enough, playing open strings instead of G6
gives the same sound.

(2) The ``solo'' ;-)  Repeat six times.

          +---3---+   +---3---------|

(3) Sorry for any mispellings, misinterpretation, I'm not native speaking.

     Like to tell you 'bout my baby.
Y'know she comes around. She'bout five feet four, a-from her head to the ground. Y'know she comes around here, a-just about midnight. She make me feel so good, Lord. She make me feel all right. And her name is G-L-O-R-I-A, G-L-O-R-I-A, G-L-O-R-I-A. I'm gonna shout it all night. (Gloria) I'm gonna shout it ev'ry day. (Gloria) She comes around here, just about midnight. She make me feel so good, Lord. I wanna say, she make me feel alright. She comes walkin' down my street; a-well, she comes to my house. She knock up-on my door. And then she comes to my room. Then she make me feel all right. G-L-O-R-I-A, G-L-O-R-I-A. I'm gonna shout it all night. (Gloria) I'm gonna shout it ev'ry day. (Gloria)